Don't Change

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Wat do u think of yourself?" Is the question to be asked
Not "what do they think of me?"
I don't see a reason for you to try so hard
Just pick up the broken mirror shards
Put them together and what do you see
I see a beautiful person who simply shouldn't change
Not to fit in
You fit in just well
as you are now
Don't let society bring you down
Your smile is your most beautiful curve
So please don't waste it on someone not worth your time
Use it for yourself when you look in a mirror
And love what you see
'cause trust me my dear
You're simply unique
Your curves are beautiful
Your weight is just fine
No more scars on your wrists
Its a waste of time
Stop thinking your nothing
Your everything to someone
Your storms will soon end
A rainbow you'll see
When you finally smile at the mirrors reflection for eternity
'Cause sweety don't change for no one
Be yourself
I find you beautiful
Why can't you see
Your a beautiful butterfly
Meant to roam free


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⏰ Última atualização: May 08, 2015 ⏰

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