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"Ed, she's related to Mary Towne Estye. She was one of the women accused of witchcraft in Salem. She was hung during the trials." Lorraine explained as she handed an ice pack Ed watching as he carefully held it against the back of Genevieve's head in a soft manner.

The eldest daughter kind of wanted to laugh at how much has happened to her so far but knew it would just result in her getting a lecture over not taking it serious as last time when Valak almost got a hold of her. She attempted to hold the ice pack herself, but her father swatted her hand from it causing her to realize that he preferred to be the one to hold it instead.

Shaking his head, he couldn't help but sigh, "Wow."

"Yeah, after Bathsheba married Jedson, they had a baby, and when the baby was seven days old, Jedson caught her sacrificing it in front of the fireplace." Lorraine explained causing Genevieve to reach over with a confused expression as she grabbed a piece of paper that she had been reading earlier.

She then shook her head as she looked at her mother with a confused expression etched over her face, "But I thought she sacrificed the baby boy with a sewing needle? That's what I read in this paper that you had here..."

Ed looked between the two before shrugging, "Well all we know then is that she killed a baby, but what happened after?" The three knew that questioned was aimed more for Lorraine so that all of them could figure out a solution much faster.

Picking up another paper in the folder in her hand, Lorraine placed it down in front of Ed who used his free hand to pick it up and look it over. It was an image of

"She ran out to the that tree by the dock, climbed up, proclaimed her love to Satan, and cursed anyone who tried to take her land, and hung herself." She then looked down to read what else had been written down on the piece of paper, "Time of death was pronounced at three o' seven in the morning."

Genevieve couldn't help but snort. "Well, that explains a few things." She and Ed said at the same time causing the father-daughter duo to share a wide grin.

"So does this..." Lorraine muttered as she looked over the files soon pulling up a photo of a woman and child who seemed to be the woman's son. In doing so, the two placed their attention to her so she could explain the significance of the photo in her hand. "Her last name's Walker. She lived there in the thirties. She had a boy named Rory who had mysteriously disappeared in the woods. Then soon after, she killed herself in the cellar."

Ed and Lorraine shared a concerned glance while Genevieve couldn't help but lean forward the get a closer look at the child, seeing as something seemed to draw her in. She knew it wasn't going to be something negative because she didn't feel the same feeling of dread that she would feel most of the time with other portraits of those that have died.

"That's not all though..." Her mother said drifting her daughter's attention back to her as Lorraine tugged on a map before pulling it out and placing it on the desk. It seemed to be original print of the land where the Perron family lived. "So, what was the original two-hundred-acre farm has since been subdivided and sold off. There was another boy who drowned in a pond here." She began to point off different areas explaining what happened in each one. "He lived here. And a woman who worked as a maid in a neighboring home, she committed suicide too."

Nodding as the realization seemed to click in his mind, Ed was the first one to admit what had been going on, "People who took her land."

Genevieve let her jaw drop for a moment before jumping in surprise when the tape recorder clicked whereas her parents who were more used to these kinds of things just turned to the device in complete calmness.

"I'm sitting here with Carolyn Perron, who, with her family, has been experience supernatural occurrences. Okay, go ahead." The tape recorder was heard playing before it paused. Then not even long after a loud sound of static followed by moaning was heard while the voices played as if they were background noise, "From the first occurrence." Then instead of silence being the one to follow it was more moaning and static that just seemed louder than before but not loud enough to wake up Judy who was still fast asleep in her room.

Genevieve glanced at her parents who looked at the tape recorder with furrowed brows before letting her eyes widen when she noticed the clock behind it as it seemed to have stopped as well at three o' seven.

She nudged her father first and directed her head towards the clock causing him to do the same as he showed Lorraine.

"This day is tied for the most terrifying day of my life..." Genevieve muttered as the moaning and sound of static continued to grow louder as the seconds passed. Her parents who knew she had seen much worse couldn't help with the confused expressions that grew on their faces before it diminished as their daughter continued to add, "With every other freaking day of my life."

Ed knowing what she was quoting couldn't help the small chuckle that fell from his lips, despite the situation they were in as he let his arms raise in a surrendering motion. "Jinkies..." He said sarcastically causing the two to laugh towards themselves while Lorraine sighed and gave the two a look of disbelief even if she didn't have the heart to tell them to stop, instead attempting to disconnect the tape recorder somehow so the noise wouldn't get louder and accidentally wake their youngest child up and frighten her.

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