Meeting fellow members

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M/n profile:
Birthday:August 1st 2003
Nationality: British
Ethnicity: Korean
Languages:English, Korean, Japanese
Fun facts about M/N:
He was born in the UK
His first language was English
His MBTI type:ENTP-T (my MBTI type lol)
Depending on his friendships with people he is either weird or funny
He's an overthinker and  secretly fake crys for drama and attention
Main story

I have been a trainee at jyp for 1 and a half years and they have decided that I should be in stray kids.

I stayed up all night imagining what to say to the members.

It is now time to reveal my existence to them I guess. What if they dont like me or think I'm just a weirdo?

Just shut up M/N and open the damn door! My hand quickly touched the door handle and the door creaked slightly and opened in a flash!

They all looked at me in sync. Some were mesmerized and some were processing what was happening.

My heart bounded quickly and I instantly thought they didn't like me.

Seungmin finally broke the silence and said: You must be the new member M/N right?

"Yes I am."

Chan then replied: well hello M/N we have been urging for your arrival and I gotta say you sure did make an entrance.

I then remembered opening the door extremely fast which probably scared the members. "Oh I am sorry if I scared you"

Chan then said:"No it's fine after all it is good to be dramatic...anyways as you probably know I'm Chan the leader of this amazing group stray kids!"

Han then said:I hope you are going to be better than our past member that made us 9 members...

I felt a bit uncomfortable like I don't fit in as well as the rest.

Changbin then said:let's forget about the past anyways M/N do you have time to spare to sit down and we can get to know each other.

I felt no choice but to sit down however it did feel good that people were welcoming me.

I sat down and discussed some things with the members and slowly began to like them.

All the members are pretty nice but I feel like some are secretly judgemental but that's a bit prejudice so I'm just gonna try to make as many friendships as possible.

I gave Chan a song I wrote to see how well I might do as a songwriter in this group and he was impressed like majorly impressed.

I settled down and had some tea thinking about what the stays will think of me when I'm announced.

The members all came up to me after they had a discussion and asked my experience such as dancing and singing and I said I am good at dancing but it does take a while to perfect and learn chereography and I am good at rapping and can hit high notes to a certain degree.

I was trying to stay formal as it will take me a while to get attached to these members and to TRUST them.

Felix then broke the silence:anyways M/N do you want to go grab something to eat with me "alone".

Chan then said:or you could go eat with me?

Note:how did I do as this is probably the first time I am actually trying hard in my work

Decision 1:go with Felix

Decision 2: go with Chan

Warning:this will affect friendships with the members...

Your action will have consequences

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