Drake Headcanons

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-Drew has separation anxiety and attachment issues.

-Drew hates horror movies but he uses it as an excuse to cuddle up with Jake when he gets scared.

-Henry and Liam would tease Drew about his crush on Jake when they found out about it.

-Drew is always "borrowing" (aka stealing)  Jake's clothes.

-Drew loves physical affection.

-Drew usually falls asleep in Jake's arms, Jake finds it adorable and doesn't have to heart to wake him up so he usually ends up sleeping with him (NOT LIKE THAT GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER)

-Jake absolutely adores Drew and finds everything about him adorable.

-Jake's likes holding Drew's waist from behind because it makes Drew flustered.

-Jake is tall enough to rest his chin on top of Drew's head.

-Jake often teases Drew for how short he is.

-Jake hates seeing Drew cry and will do anything to make him feel better.

-Every once a month Jake will get super clingy and possessive over Drew for an entire day. They usually just cuddle at home during this time.

-Henry is really jealous of Jake and Drew's relationship and wishes he and Liam had that type of relationship (Henriam ❤💚)

-Drew once bit Jake on the arm when they where 13. He still has the mark.

-Jake hates Zoey. Not only for recording him but also for making Drew cry when he found out she cheated.

-After breaking up with Zoey, Drew's preferences changed entirely. He's now gay.

-Jake is a bisexual ✨KING✨

-Drew gets really clingy to Jake when he's tired and will make Jake cuddle with him.

-Drew is often really nervous about asking Jake for attention because of how Zoey treated him and his parents not giving him any attention as a kid.

-Jake has to constantly remind Drew of how much he loves him and how he won't leave him because of Drew's anxiety and fear of abandonment.

-Drew loves sitting in Jake's lap.

-They like watching reality TV shows together.

-Jake sings for Drew, especially when Drew is falling asleep he'll sing him to sleep.

-Drew listens to Jake when he's practicing with the band.

-Jake's favorite fruit is Red grapes and Drew's is peaches.

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