~Bus rides~

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This is what it's like for me every morning when I go to school! Enjoy :)

   You stuff your hands into your pockets, huffing as you try to cover as much skin as possible. It's cold out.. Wearing your mask and glasses, with your hood up, you're quite comfortable! You stand by your bus stop, you watch as 15 other kids that also stays at your stop leaves to their own school. You smile, even though no one can see it.. You want to make sure everyone that goes on the bus is safe, even though you don't know them and they don't know you, you still watch out for your peers.

    Watching as the bus driver waits for everyone to sit down, the bus driver turns the lights off. Now seeing that the bus looks empty, it drives away. You look into the sky, seeing that it's still slightly dark, you barely see Orion above you. You see pretty shades of blue, black, and a bit of grey, even though you stayed inside.. You tried to enjoy nature as much as you could, you remember a quote from an old friend.

     "Looking into the sky is like seeing into the future, because the stars are thousands of light-years away! You can see the light from them reaching down to Earth." You slightly smile, missing old times with them. Looking back down, staring down the street, you doze off in your thoughts.. Feeling a slight breeze move the soft fabrics of your baggy pants, you slightly shiver from the coldness.

    You look at your surroundings in the meantime.. Big trees, stars, fog, lights, crows cawing. You play with your bangs, trying to smooth down the right side that keeps sticking up. You eventually give up, knowing that no amount of hair cream can fix it. Once your bus arrives you step in and take a seat by your friends, greeting them before sitting at the very front near the heater.

    You set your backpack to the side by the window, and put your hands by the warm air. Sighing in relief as the calming heat unfroze your fingers. You lean into your backpack, staring out into the window.. It becomes slightly brighter, you see beautiful colors of sky blue, yellow, grey, whites and black. You feel the bus gently shake, you shift comfortably. You could stay on the bus  forever, the warmth and the slight rocking made you feel sleepy again.

    Staring out the window, seeing many cars drive by, you look for which color is more common, colorful bright lights, and restaurants, you look at the clouds. You try to make shapes out of them, you see one that looks like a ship! You see another one that takes shape of a duck. You slowly close your eyes, hugging your backpack you lean your head onto it.

    You take a few deep breaths, a small smile forming onto your lips, you think about what awaits you, at something called school...

  As you see in this, I get distracted a lot. So when you read the 100 different things after another, it's what happens when I get distracted! Of course it is different for everyone, but I like to pass the time by looking around and enjoying scenery! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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