chapter two

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Tonight was the first football game of the year I was getting in my uniform and walked out the door hey Cher you ready yea let's go we get in the car ugh I hate my period Cheryl said oh no are you gonna be able to dance of course don't be silly once we got to the school we parked and went to the field hey princess I turn around and see Reggie Mantle of course ugh what do you want Reggie wow you sleep with me now don't wanna talk to me shut up someone might here you Reggie ok ok sorry I just wanted to make sure your going to cheer for me princess ugh Reggie stop calling me princess ok sorry see you later PRINCESS UGHH I hate you Reggie once he walked away I looked in the stands and of course my dad wasn't there why would he be he never is then I see jughead and I smile I see he's with a pink haired girl I wave at him and she looks at me and says something to jug she waves back I walk by all the other cheerleaders and we start cheering WOW GO BULLDOGS GO ARCHIE GO REGGIE GO MOOSE WOW once the game was over I walk over to jug jug what are you doing here what am not allowed to come see my favorite sibling every funny if course is dad here oh um he um he couldn't make it oh ok that's fine um I'm gonna go find Cheryl bye hug love you bye Chels love you to I walk away I can start feeling tears come but I don't do anything I just keep walking I am almost to the exit when I hear my name I look back and see Archie and his dad Fred I smile and walk up to them he didn't come did he arch it's fine Chels no it's no he should be here for his daughter but he probably drunk and sleeping with some slute Archie shut up right now sorry dad but it true umm it was nice seeing you Fred and arch I will see you Monday at school bye Chels I didn't mean no no I'm just tired oh ok bye bye I walk to the car I see Cheryl in the car already I get in hey there you are I've been waiting hold in Chels are you ok yea I'm just tired can we go home pls yea of course

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