Chapter 10: Welcome to DC

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From the diary of Imperial Princess Piña Co Lada.

After passing through the boundary known as the Gate, we saw rows of rows of towers which scraped the sky.

At this time, I wondered; what did the men of the ISA (Imperial Saderan Army) who set foot here think?

Did they have any idea of their upcoming fate?

Nestled with valleys between these vast buildings, I realized how small I truly was.

The fact that we have declared war on a country that built such magnificent structures makes me, the Imperial Princess, worry for the fate of the Saderan Empire.

On the topic of grand structures, Piña and Bozes considered the Imperial Palace, the Senate building, and various other military strongholds to be quite impressive, so to them, even walking down DC must have struck them dumb with awe.

Having tall buildings would only make the tall building stand out more.

Because of that, from Piña's point of view, a capital city should be planned so that there would be an awe-inspiring structure standing in the middle.

However, the city on the other side of the Gate was different.

However, the city on the other side of the Gate was different

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It's s buildings were massive structures.

If there were a single giant tree, one might still be at peace when looking at it from underneath.

However, a forest of giant trees would inflict an enormous pressure on those beneath it.

The small group left the cars and started to walk down on the street.

Standing there, Piña's and Bozes' hearts were deeply shaken by the sights before them.

Of course, they were not the only two affected by it.

Lelei, Tuka, and Rory were staring with eyes wide open, oblivious to the cold even though they stood at the heart of Washington DC as it starts to snow.

"Ah, good thing I didn't miss you guys." A voice called to Mike from behind the five girls.

Just as he was about to leave the Sentry Post.

Turning around, he saw a group black-suited men.

At their head stood their leader, a middle-aged man.

"You must be Lieutenant Mike Ramirez."

"Yes, that's me." Mike replied.

"I'm Matthew from the National Security Department. We'll be handling escort and guidance duties for this operation."

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