Lets have some fun

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J: what do you want to do first?

Y/n: I don't know, let's just walk around and see what rides there are.

She nodded and started looking around the park, but they stopped as soon as Y/n saw a hounted house.

Y/n:should we go inside?

J: yeah sure, but just know that I am easily scared.

Y/n: that's not a problem because the prince on the white horse will protect you my princess.

Y/n said jokingly.

J: thank you my prince now I am not scared anymore, so let's go inside.

Jessica grabbed Y/n hand and they started walking towards the house.

Infront of the house were some people, who were collecting money, since the house wasn't included in the price. So Y/n paid for both of them and they slowly started walking inside.

J: promise me that you won't let me go.

Y/n: I promise. Now come on we have to go a bit faster.

Jessica nodded and they started walking around the house.

The house was quite dark and there were so many corners where all the scary people can hide,so you never knew when you're going to get a jump scare.

J: where are you?

Y/n: right in front of you, why?

J: can you please hold my hand?

Y/n: sure, yeah.

Y/n grabbed Jessica's hand and then they came to a stop.

J: what's happening?

Y/n: I don't know but we can't go any further, so we have to turn around and go the other way.   Jessica nodded and they started walking in the other direction.

They were still holding hands until, some guy with a lot of blood and a huge fucking knife jumped in front of them and they both started screaming. Y/n started running towards the man with a knife and pushed him out of the way and then both of them started running past him until they couldn't see him anymore.

Y/n: are you ok?
She just nodded.

J: Y/n please I can't do this anymore can we please go outside.

Y/n: yes  but first we have to find a way out. Take my hand and hold to it tight and we will slowly try to find the way out ok?

She just nodded again and they started walking. After five minutes they came to a stop, because they started hearing some weird noises coming in front of them. Jessica started holding Y/n hand even tighter then before  but then Y/n started walking again and all of the sudden another creature jumped in front of them. They both started screaming, Jessica even felt to the ground and started shaking. When the monster finally left them alone Y/n went to check on Jessica.

Y/n: are you ok?

She didn't say anything.

Y/n: come on we are almost done, we have to go, we are almost done.

She still hasn't said anything so Y/n picked her up bridal style and carried her until she found the way out. When they came outside Y/n put her down.

Y/n: finally freedom.

J:please don't ever made me go in any hounted house ever again.

Y/n: I won't.

She said and put her hand in Jessica's.

Y/n: what do you want to do now?

J: can we go to the water ride?

Y/n: sure why not. Come on.

They started walking towards the water ride and every now and then their hands would touch but both of them would act like nothing happened.

They finally came to the ride and took a seat. As the ride started they tought that it would be slow,but they were wrong, because when they reached the fourth corner the ride started getting faster and faster. Out of the reflex Y/n grabbed Jessica's hand. When the ride was over they were both a bit wat.

"That was a lot better then the house" Jessica said still holding Y/n's hand.

"Yeah it was. Wheredo you wnat to go now?" Y/n asked.

"I don't know let's go to any other ride just not something scary." Jessica said back.

Y/n nodded, while still holding her hand. Jessica took out her map of teh park and they started looked at it to see if there was something else for them to do. When they finally found the next ride they made their way to it. As they were walking they decided to buy themselves something to drink. So they stopped and the little house which was selling ice cream and some very odd drinks. It was finally their turn to order and when ordered everything they wanted the lady working there said that they are a very beautiful couple. They both looked at each other and started blushing. When they finally became their drinks they continued walking to the ride.

"Why do you think that she said that?" Jessica asked.

"If I am honest I wouldn't know." She said back and looked down to the ground. And when she finally saw that their hands were still holding each other she knew why the lady said it.

"I think I know why she said it. Just look down at our hands." Y/n said shyly.

"What do you mean?" She asked and as soon as she looked at their hands her face turned red.

"Oh,umm,sorry" Jessica said not holding Y/n's hand anymore.

"Don't be sorry. The most interesting thing is that we both didn't even realized, because it felt so normal,so if you want to hold my hand just do it. And the lady wasn't lying,we would look good together." Y/n said back.

Jessica's face was even more red then before. She then took Y/n's hand and placed them together so that they were holding each other.

It was already 6pm and they were driving back to their rooms,since they have school tomorrow.

"I liked it today, I think we should do it more often" Jessica said.

"I liked it too and we should definitely do this again."

When they finally arrived to the campus they both went to their rooms and started getting ready for sleep. But none of them could sleep because they were both thinking about today and everything that happened especially the part where that lady told them that they looked cute together.


I know I haven't updated in a while but here it is a new chapter.

I hope you guys liked it and yeah have a nice day/night.

Love you all~Naya

School Enemies  (Natasha Romanoff x Femala Reader)Where stories live. Discover now