chapter 2:Into reapertale

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*reaper teleported geno to reapertale* "well welcome to reapertale" reaper said looking around "wow...i'd expect it to be more edgy-" geno thinking it would be funny "woww judging by appearance!" said reaper jokingly "actually yes i amm hehe" said geno "WILL YOU TWO STOP FLIRTING"frisk said very annoyed "U-UH IT'S NOT FLIRTING IT-" geno suddenly stopped because reaper started talking "yes it is geno you sure its not~?"."IM PRETTY SURE ITS NOT" said geno he was blushing a maroon sorta color
he was also pulling his scarf like he normally does "so where is your house anyway..."said geno "i'll teleport us to it hopefully papyrus isn't home" [they teleported to reapers house] BROTHER ARE YOU HOME? said a voice i think we all know "oh shit paps is home.." mumbled reaper "YEA IM HOME" said reaper WELL GO IN YOUR ROOM AND CLEAN UP FOR DINNER WE'RE HAVING SPAGHETTI said papyrus- "OKAY BRO" reaper ran up to his bedroom with geno and locked the door "wow your room isn't what i expected it to be-" geno looked around reapers room and saw string lights hung up on the walls and..A my little pony bed-? and a echo flower sitting in a pot on the window ceil "Okay i gotta go eat dinner ill bring some for you if you want-" reaper said while giving geno a soft smile "yes please- i haven't ate in a while" after reaper brought the food back to geno "Hey geno i always wondered what did you do to keep yourself intertained in the save screen?" reaper tilted his head "oh well I would play with frisk and my blasters of course- they are pretty determined to play! hehe" geno patted frisk on the head who was sound asleep in reapers bed (NOT IN A SUS WAY YOU DIRTY MINDERS)_______
End of chapter two sorry it took so long i totally forgot this story existed!-

A my little pony bed-? and a echo flower sitting in a pot on the window ceil "Okay i gotta go eat dinner ill bring some for you if you want-" reaper said while giving geno a soft smile "yes please- i haven't ate in a while" after reaper brought th...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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