Chapter 3

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J e n ' s P o v

Walking down the calm roads downtown towards your favorite coffee shop wasn't a good idea. 

Especially at night.

If "they" knew, they wouldn't allow it. That's why I snuck out.

There's something about this road I can't get out of my head. Like him.

He's been living rent-free in my head for quite some time already. It's been already a week since I saw him. But there's still something unexplainable about him.

I don't think I'll understand what it is about him, in this lifetime at least.

I opened the doors and slid inside the brightly lit shop.

"Irene! I-rene~ Where are you~?" I sang as I walked in front of the counter.

Nobody answered.

Strange. She'd always be here.

I could only hear the mutters of two people talking from her office. The walls weren't soundproof, and I ran on the marble floor to her office and saw him there with her.

I could only hear the faint words whispered from his mouth.


And she hugged him.

A bone-crashing hug.

I felt as if I was suffocated. Like I needed fresh air.

Like I was heartbroken.

Dear readers,

I added Irene for who knows what reason and I am really loving the way the story is turning out.

I just love Jenrene okay? Irene isn't the love antagonist or whatever she's usually portrayed as. There probably won't be any second male leads or female leads. 

In the next chapter or so, I'll reveal what happens. And who knows? A Taehyung's P O V might appear as well...

For clarification, the last bit in italics wasn't what Jennie's consciousness was saying, it was unconsciously stated. This might be obvious since both Jennie and Taehyung currently have no memories of their past (as the new synopsis states). 

The parts where our boy Taehyung mutters have words before and after them. Jennie only heard a bit of the conversation and her unconsciousness is already jealous..? 


FYI Chaennie is one of my top ships in Blackpink, followed by Jensoo (like have you seen their chemistry!?)

I'm abandoning some of my school work for this so...

I personally don't think I want to write because of the views and all, but for improving my writing skills so please do tell me where I could improve. (Constructive criticism is the best!)

This is getting long so I might as well end this "letter"


Your author :)

e y e s - TaejenWhere stories live. Discover now