|Chapter 10: Opinions on other characters|

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Way ahead of you there buddy, I've fucked shit up since day one.

About Kaeya:

Kaeya? I find him quite adorable to be fair. Don't tell him I said that though, he's flirty enough as it is.

About Diluc:

My opinion on Master Diluc?? He's a nice person and he knows how to strike up a good conversation when he wants to.

About Lisa:

Can we change the subject please? It's not that I don't like her, she just really scares me.

About Lyney & Lynette:

I haven't seen them in a long time, I've been meaning to write to them for a bit. Next time you see them, tell them I say hi.

About Venti:

The bard?? Well I see him at the tavern quite often. His music is also very enjoyable in my opinion.

About Jean:

To be honest, Jean's a good fit for the job of acting grand master. However she does overwork herself sometimes which does worry me. Either way, she has a good head on her shoulders so I trust what she's doing.

About Barbara:

I heard she has a singing career now? I don't really know all that much about her, I don't go to the church that often. Anything I've heard about her is usually from Jean.

About Noelle:

I've given her a few pointers about her becoming an official Knight of Favonius in the past. I personally think she'd be fit in perfectly because she knows how to get things done.

About Klee:

Klee's a great kid, she always talks about new materials she finds in great detail. I'm still a bit worried about the bomb thing though, the poor girl ends up in solitary confinement a lot for that..

About Tartaglia/Childe:

Ah yes, the one that gave me the Cryo delusion. I have no idea why Kaeya keeps telling me to get rid of it, it seriously isn't that bad.

A/N: Childe's used to be 'Who??' I'm kinda tempted to change it back, ngl.

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