Chapter 2: The Way of a Hunter

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As night fell on the quiet settlement, the families began locking their doors and windows, preparing for the full moon. A bell is heard in the distance, signaling the hunters that a werewolf had been spotted. As they met at the gates to begin the hunt, they felt a man sprint by them, disappearing into the darkness. Luni was not one for wasting time since his parents' death 10 years before. It was the dawn of his 18th birthday and he was eager to begin his journey in the morning.

He had definitely grown up as his hair had grown to a length that almost covers his dark green eyes. He stood at over six feet tall and was an average weight, despite not eating well at the orphanage he had lived in. His clothes were disheveled and slightly torn from all the hunts he volunteered to go on, since he refused to wear anything else. With the thin beard that had formed on his face, you would mistake him for his own father when he was younger. If you looked deep in his eyes, however, you would not find any love or happiness, only hate and emptiness.

As Luni darted among the trees, he could hear the howl in the distance to his right. With almost perfect precision, he turned on his heel, changing directions instantly. He didn't care for the other hunters and they didn't care for him. They would call him cocky, arrogant, and a few other disrespectful names, as he always strayed away from the group when hunting. None of the mattered to him though, for at this time tomorrow, he would finally be free to leave the village he called home for so long.

As he came to an opening, he discovered that he was by the river. As he started to look around, a set of claws swiped at him from his left. Stepping back just in time, the werewolf only managed to tear his clothes more. Before the wolf could swipe again, Luni drew his silver knife and slashed at the beast's arm, severing the paw clean off. 

As the wolf let out a howl of pain, it raised its other paw, prepared to strike. Luni reacted wuickly, pulling an arrow from his quiver and rolling out of the way from the strike, drawing his bow and aiming at the heart of his hated foe. He took a deep breath as he pulled back and released. The arrow pierced the thick skin and burned on its way through. At point blank range, the arrow was able to cleanly dart through its entire body. He watched as it fell to the ground, dead with the fur becoming stained with blood. 

He took his knife and began cutting the pelt from the body, as he had many times before as trophies. The rest of the hunters finally catch up as he was finishing the carving. They couldn't believe their eyes, as this young man had gotten more kills in the past 10 years, than they had in their entire lives. They were livid and ready for the morning to come, so that he could finally be out of their lives. The mayor made his way through the crowd, his hair now white with age as he shook Luni's hand, thanking him for the kill. As the hunters carried the body away to be burned, the mayor pulled Luni aside, confiding in him to reconsider leaving.

"The others are not near as skilled as you. You were trained by your father, the greatest hunter our village ever had. If you leave, I fear for the safety of our people. I'm not asking you to stay, I'm begging you. I don't think we will last another month like this."

Luni could see the tears forming in the man's eyes, but was unfazed. Watching his own parents taken and killed in front of him had caused him to become cold to the world. He hadn't shown any emotion since that night, and was unsure if he ever would again. 

Without a word, he pushed past the mayor, walking back to the settlement. As he entered the gates, the bonfire was already lit. The wolf's body was tossed into the base, as the smell of cooking meat began to fill the town. The sound of the crackling fire being the only noise heard would best be defined as deafening. Even with all the hunters back in town, including the town's pride himself, the people refused to leave their homes.

Luni couldn't keep living in a fear-filled group like this, and his only way out was his coming of age. At the age of 18, he would no longer be bound by the law that kept him stuck in the area. He was ready to leave, and headed back to the orphanage, where his bag was packed and ready. For the next few hours, his eyes watched the eastern sky, waiting for the sun to rise. As he sat, a knock was heard at his door.

The headmistress entered the room, with the same old scowl she had worn the day Luni had entered her building. Any time she would enter his room, he swore the room felt even colder. She would only enter to scold him, yell at him and abuse him physically. He still could feel some bruises from the past week of shirking his chores.

This time, however, not a single word was said. She knew he planned on leaving and, though she wouldn't show the emotion of joy, was ecstatic at the thought. She walked over to the bed he was sitting on and shoved him down to the floor. Before Luni could say anything though, he watched as she took the sheets off the bed and left the room. If he was leaving, she must be remaking the bed for the next poor orphan to have to get stuck with her.

As the sun broke the horizon, all the houses could be heard unlocking. Luni grabbed his bag and darted out of the orphanage, making sure to give the vile old woman the middle finger on the way out the door. He darted down the streets, weaving between the crowds as he headed for the front gate. The mayor was standing there waiting, however, and stopped Luni before he could run. A crowd started to form as the mayor pulled him close, giving him a hug.

"I know you've made up your mind. I'm not gonna stop you. All I ask is that you come back to visit sometimes. I know I'm not your father, but I watched you grow up and always thought of you as my own son. Please don't be a stranger, as you are always welcome here."

As he let go of Luni, he smiled softly and nodded, giving him a pouch of gold.

"For when you find another town. You'll need supplies and a bed eventually." he chuckled before walking back into the crowd as they clapped, with a few praises from them for his hard work while there.

Luni nodded to the crowd, his heart finally feeling a little bit of emotion as he turned and ran out the gate, not looking back as he disappeared into the forest, heading for the mountains he had seen in the distance. This was the start of the journey he always dreamed of having. Now he wonders what the world has in store.

As the mayor entered Luni's old room, he was amazed at the sight of every pelt that he collected hung on the walls. He counted over thirty of them, and did the math. With the gold the village would get for these, they could finally build the walls they needed and hire some more help. He kneeled at the freshly made bed and prayed to the gods of the land, Vrendium.

"Please gods, protect him at all costs."

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