The 2nd Wave

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Emma's POV

Me, Sams, and Cassie were walking to the river to get water. Since the first wave everyone has realised that we use electricity alot more than we thought. But at this point what did it  matter, some had already lost people, well mostly people who needed electricity to live, mostly Old people and people in the hospital.

Everyone thought that this is all, but how wrong they were....

Nobody's POV

"Sams, Emma keep passing me bottles." Cassie said as Emma and Sam handed her more. Once they were done they started to head back home when they heard craking?

Cassie looked around for a minute and then said "RUN!" The ground kept breaking and they river following not far behind.

Sam tripped a few times Emma picking him back up. Cassie said to get into a tree, then pointed to a big one. Sam got in first then Cassie, Cassie pulled Emma up fast and 'CRASH!' The water hit the tree.

There was the second wave.

Emma's POV

We were safe, because we only had a river. I thought about it for a moment and looked at Cassie.

"Wait... does that mean.... other places that have oceans are....!?"I questioned Cassie. Only to see her skake her head Yes.


I grabbed my bag and took something's from my closet, I knew what was gonna happen so I was ready for the next wave....

She kept things that nobody else would think of. I used every space in my bag.

Heyo, hope you liked it. Me and my lazy loneliness is causing writers block.

~{ The 5th Wave }~ Fanfic, OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant