A Place To Stay For The Night

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Joey slammed the door of his apartment. He didn't feel like dealing with his dad, especially at a time like this. It was late in the night and he was tired as hell. 'I'd rather sleep out in the rain than that Hell hole.' Joey thought angrily. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked through the rain. He was so cold, but he didn't care.

He thought of heading to Tristan's house. But it was too far, he'd probably die from pneumonia before getting there. It was really cold. 'I should have brought a coat or something...' Joey shivered. He hugged himself as he continued to shiver from the cold.

A few more minutes of walking and he found himself in front of Solomon Mutou's shop. Yugi's place...

He sighed and knocked on the door. "Hello? Yugi? Gramps? Mrs. Mutou? I-I need a place to stay." Joey said as he continued to knock. The door opened and he was greeted with Yugi, his hair not in its usual style and all over the place. "Joey? Don't you know how late it is? Oh-oh my...Joey, you're soaking wet!" Yugi exclaimed, tired leaving his eyes.

"Y-Yeah...and cold too." Joey joked slightly. He chuckled and was pulled inside by Yugi. "You got into another fight with your dad, huh?" Yugi asked, frowning. "Yeah..." Joey looked at the ground. "Well, let's get you warmed up and out of these clothes." Yugi said as they headed into the bathroom.

"No offense, Yuge, but I don't think your clothes will fit me..." Joey said. "Don't worry, I think we have a few big shirts lying around somewhere. I'll check." Yugi opened the door and turned around, "I'll stick your clothes in the dryer if just in case I don't find anything. You can leave them outside when you're done undressing" He said before leaving.

Joey nodded and started to undress. He folded them as neatly as he could and opened the door slightly to drop his clothes on the floor. He closed it again and turned on the water. He shivered as the cold water hit his skin before it became hot. 'Thank God I have friends that care...thank God I have friends.' Joey thought.

He heard a knock, "Joey, I found some clothes and a dry towel. I'll just leave them here." Yugi said, dropping down some clothes and a towel on the floor. "Thanks, Yuge." Joey thanked. Yugi gave him a thumbs up and closed the door. Joey turned off the water and dried himself off with the towel Yugi gave him and put on the clothes. The shirt was big enough to fit him and the pants too.

He left the bathroom. "Would you like anything to eat before you head to bed? We have some snacks." Yugi offered. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks." Yugi nodded and opened the door to his room. "You can sleep on the bed while I sleep on the floor, so you can sleep comfortably." Yugi said. "It's alright, Yugi, I can sleep on the floor."

"Joey, you're my guest, sleep on the bed." Yugi smiled. "No, it's your room and your bed." Joey really didn't want Yugi worrying about him. He hated being treated like that. "Joey, it doesn't mat-"

"No, Yuge," Joey sighed, "let's just...share the bed." Joey said. Yugi blushed, but nodded. "Okay." Yugi smiled and got underneath the covers and lifted them to let Joey in, scooting over. Joey got underneath the covers as well. "Goodnight, Joey." Yugi said.

"Night, Yugi...and thanks for letting me stay." Joey thanked. "Of course, you're my friend after all." Yugi continued to smile at him. Joey wrapped an arm around his friend and fell asleep. Yugi fell asleep as well, snuggling close to Joey.


I like these two.


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