Mr Lobo

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Note: Mr. Lobo is my OC. If you use him in fanart or fanfiction, please remember to credit me as his creator. Thank you.
"Did you hear they hired a new music teacher?" Melody asked. "He starts today!"

"So?" Eddie demanded. "He's just another teacher."

"I heard he's from South America," Liza said.

"That's all we need," Eddie muttered, slumping in his chair. "Another crazy teacher with a dumb accent."

"I heard he used to be a criminal and had to leave his country," Howie chimed in.

They all grew quiet when their teacher, Mrs. Jeepers, entered the room. All the kids thought she was a vampire because her eyes flashed when she was unhappy and she wore a green brooch. It had to be magic since it glowed when she touched it and it seemed to be able to make naughty students sit down and behave.

She wore a white dress with scarlet polka dots under a dark green vest with black boots. Her curly sunset red hair was tied back with a black silk ribbon.

She wrote some sentences on the blackboard then turned to address the class.

"Good morning children. Today we will focus on our writing skills. I want you all to rewrite each one of these sentences using the proper punctuation and spelling."

Liza raised her hand.

Mrs. Jeepers gave her an odd little half smile. "Yes, Liza? You have a question?"

"Mrs. Jeepers, when are we going to get to meet the new music teacher?"

Eddie rolled his eyes.

Mrs. Jeepers' smile faded.
She touched her brooch. Everyone sat straight up in their chairs. "I...I was not informed we would have a new teacher."

"We found out this morning," Melody told her. "Some kids were talking about it on their way to school."

Their teacher had a thick Romanian accent when she spoke. "I am sure we will meet this new teacher soon enough. Let's just focus on the task at hand, shall we?"

Ever since the spit ball incident a month earlier, Eddie had done his best to keep a low profile. He'd made the mistake of angering Mrs. Jeepers once. He wasn't willing to do it again. Their teacher wasn't a normal woman.

He still hadn't told the others what he'd seen when the third grade teacher pulled him out into the hall to discuss his bad behavior. Nor would he. The flash of sharp, long eye teeth along with the warning that'd followed after still rang in his ears.

Learn to behave, băiat, or you will find out the hard way what befalls naughty children who dare meddle in other people's affairs.

Eddie shivered.

Mrs. Jeepers saw him and walked over to his desk. "Eddie, are you feeling alright? You don't look well."

She reached out her hand to feel his forehead.

Eddie recoiled. "I'm fine, Mrs. Jeepers. Thanks for asking."

Mrs. Jeepers frowned. She didn't get the chance to say anything about his reaction.

The clock read 10:30am. "It is time for music class everyone. Please line up and I will walk you over to the auditorium."

Eddie joined his friends in line as they headed out into the hall.

The auditorium was a large, dark room filled with empty seats. Old risers sat on the brightly lit stage. A tall man stood atop a wooden podium. He had bronze skin and amber eyes. The top portion of his brown-black hair was pulled into a loose ponytail by a thin band. The rest fell in waves to his upper back. He wore a grey suit with brown leather shoes.

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