chapter 1

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  ⚠:TW-droken bones,hospitals, menton of a panic attack 

Start writing Sitting behind the shoots on an old wooden bench,Dream was getting ready for his next ride "umm have you seen a Mr.WasTaken" he heard a voice say from across the back yards.Dream quickly turned is head to were he hear is name been said,he saw a short-ish man talking to a rider,the rider quickly pointed his hand to Dream before walking off.

The short-ish man walked over to Dream looking down at his clipboard sourcing the papers,"sooo,Mr.wastakin", "umm just Dream is fine thanks" the man was cut off by dream interrupting him,"you're a rodeo clown aren't ya'?" The man looked up with a confused expression on his face " ya how could you tell" Dream looked down at his feet and giggled lightly he looked back up to look at the rodeo clown's face,it was full of red,wight,and blue make-up, "Jack manifold, isn't it?" The blond said standing up and sticking his hand out for a hand shake "ya it is" jack said shaking Dream's hand with a wide smile on his face.

Jack walked off searching for another rodeo attendees, "Dream get over here!!" a voice called from the shoots. He slipped his helmet on his head and made his way over to the shoots,Dream climbed over the shoot gats and plopped himself in the horse's saddle. "What's the name of this horse? 'He asked, clipping the rope to the horse's head stol.before his questone could be answered Dream's name was announced over the loud speaker. "AND NEXT IS THE ONE AND ONLY DREAM ON THE ONE AND ONLY WILD RRRRRIDER,a wild horse for a wild man ay?"

The crowd went nuts over the mention of Dream's name.The shout gates fly open and a buckskin horse rushes out,But Dream wasn't ready he just heard his name get called and gates open.

before he knew it, He was on the ground,he's body was numb. "FUCK" was the only thing Dream could say as the pain shot through his body.The crowed went silent,It's like evreone had left the standes it was that quite, "GET THE PARIMEDICS IN HERE NOW" the announcer yelled over the loudspeakers.

Every think went blearley,people in green suits were running over ."fuck this shit" Dream mutered to himself.

( George POV)

I was over getting some frise for some friends and myself when the announcer yelled over the loudspeakers " GET THE PARAMEDICS IN HERE NOW" I quickly payed for the food and rushed to were some panels to the arena sat.I could see a person getting carried out on a stretcher,But it was very quiet,only whispers and muters could be heard from the stands.

I walked back to where my friends were sitting. "Hey,what happened" I asked sitting down on the plastic chair passing the food out, "You know the fala Dream" Tommy said with his mouth stuffed full of food already, "Tommy that's disgusting,but he came of an injured himself" Tubbo finished the sentence for tommy who had finished eat his food .That's not good i hope he's ok,I thought to myself sitting back in my chair trying to get comfortable.


The dirty blond slowly opens his eyes. "Shit" he said to himself shortly after getting blinded by the bright light shining in his eyes.Dream attempted to sit up but as he went to move his arm he feels a sharp pain ping throw his body.he quickly grabbed at his arm to stop the pain but as he went to reach for his right arm he felt a pinching sensation.Dream looks down at the left arm then to the right arm,on his right arm there was a cast and on his left was a drip.

Dream suddenly remembered what had happened his breathing was getting heavier,Wait where's my mask,He thought to him self.He was having a panic attack,Fuck the primedices saw my face,they knows how i am. FUCK FUCK FUCK.Dream was hiper ventilating.but as he was in though he haden't realized his younger sister,Drista, hade entered the room, "hey Clay are you ok,Clay, CLAY!!" He snapped out of thought and looked at his sister who had a worried look on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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