Tutoring day 1

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Paige's POV:
I never thought I could be so happy to get out of that hell hole. Though, this day isn't over yet. Today is the first day tutoring, with that Atlas kid. I have to meet him at the library in 10 minutes. I swear, Ms. Hensley is such an ass for giving me tutoring.

Atlas's POV:
Not gonna lie, I'm kinda nervous about tutoring this Paige girl. I've heard rumor to rumor about her, but she doesn't seem like she'd be so bad. Shes suppose to meet me here in 10, though she might skip. I'll just have to find out.

Nobody's POV:
After 10 minutes, Paige shows up in the library. She finds Atlas and sits down at a table. Nobody's there, not even the librarian. It's so empty, and quiet.
After about 5 minutes of setting everything out on the table, they start conversing. Not about the work, but introducing themselves. In a way, but not really "introducing." They sort of just talked about a problem one minute, then talked about how boring it was the next.
They got along pretty well, Atlas was a quiet kid, good grades, pretty smile. Paige was a troublesome girl, bad grades, pretty face. They fit perfect together.

Atlas's POV:
She's really funny. I mean she gorgeous too. I can't believe she doesn't have like a bunch of friends, maybe even a boyfriend. She also seems to be getting a bit better ever step of the problems.
We finished the notes about 20 minutes ago, now we're just conversing. She's honestly not that bad of a person. She's very interesting.

Paige's POV:
He's so fucking pretty. His gorgeous light blue eyes, his hot brunette wavy strands, he's perfect. We surprisingly have a few things in common. We both have humor, we both have some troublesome moments, and we both don't have a bunch of friends. I swear this boy might have grown on me already.


Authors note:
LMAO THIS CHAPTER IS SO STUPID💀 I needa take writing lessons lmao. But ayyyyy I can't believe I got this far 😭anyway ILL WRITE AGAIN SOON, BYE MY LOVES ❤️⁉️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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