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Four Months before


Koravik didn't believe Lukas actually wanted to go to the theatre with her. As far as she ever knew he'd always hated the whole art, he'd much rather hunt rabits and foxes in the forest behind Korvis, or hunt other things during parties and balls. Her and her brother were never really close but she appreciated him coming. she'd have to offer to do some sport with him later.

"Did you enjoy the show?" he said as they approached the carriage

"It's one of the best renditions of Picoli's curse I've ever seen. I loved this Isobells monologue." said Lukas.

hey reached the carriage and the couchman bowed.

"Her grace, his royal highness," The couchman said. Koravik entered the carriage first Lukas following after her.

"Which one?"

"She only has one," Koravik laughed "when she was talking about returning to Krow; 'let me burn; you may drink my ashes and blood for that is all you will have left of me' do you not recall ?"

"Ah, yes I do recall it now. That was right after a downed my second pint of beer" Koravik turned back to the window. They passed by the golden statue of King Antoni, the first king of Krow, holding a wounded crow in his hands.

Most people were tucked safely in bed at this hour of night, the only traffic coming from people heading back home from the theatre. It was peaceful, it was safe. This is the future she wanted for Krow. Though she was second in line and would most likely never Inherit the throne she still found herself daydreaming about what her reign would look like. She loved Lukas but all know he has no chance of being a good monarch, she was 80% sure he can't even solve simple mathematical equations.

As the carriage entered the golden gates to Korvis, Lukas turned to her.

"Koravik," he said.

"Just Kora is fine," she interrupted.

"Yes sorry uh Kora, I ...I need to tell you something," He seemed to stumble over his words, his normal confidence dissolving.

"What ever it is I'll listen,"

"You don't understand," he said eyes moving frantically around the couch, his voice dropped inot a whisper "you don't understand any of it,"

"Lukas, what's wrong?" the carriage stopped, she could see they were behind the rose gardens "Lukas, why are we stopped here?" he just looked back at her saying nothing "Lukas what's happening? Is something wrong?"

The couch door swung open and a man dressed in all black whom she didn't regonize stood outside. She turned to Lukas, she could feel the sweat beads forming on her neck "Lukas what is going on?" she said frantically

The man grabbed her forearm pulling her out of the carriage. She stumbled out and he wrapped his arm tightly around her, pulling her to his chest. She turned to look at him and when she turned back around Lukas was out of the carriage as well.

She looked at him and felt something run down her cheek. A tear, she hadn't relized she was crying. "Lukas! Please," she let out but she didn't even know what he would do.

She felt a something jab her arm with a jolt of pain and the corners of her vision went blurry. A wave of fatigue ran over her and she felt as if she'd just gotten of a ship. Her knees buckled as she fell to the dirt the man letting go of her.

She tried getting back up but the effort made her vomit instead. She continued to struggle before giving up and collapsing to the dirt. She moved her head up to look at Lukas, white spots crowding her vision. She wasn't sure if she imagined the regret in his eyes as her leaned down.

"Im sorry," he said gently.


The words died on her tounge as the world went black. 

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