Hidden Inspiration

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Met only by chance
I was working that day
and you seemed so, so sad
and so angry.

My gift
it called to me
that same day
I wrote a letter
telling you I cared
and to never give up on life.

Because despite the ridges
and the rough patches
life is worth it
There is beauty
in despair.
There is beauty
in the Grey.

You turned
and you smiled at me
I had cracked
that icy shell

It was not love
It was charity of the spirit
that care that should have spread
to all humankind.

You had a DUI
a stupid mistake
and you were given a choice
and your choice
led yourself to me
and my kindness.

We sat and we talked
while we waited
to go home
it was the first time
I saw you smile.

You were my friend
and I will forever
be yours
connected by the grey
of the universe

And I hope that
somewhere out there
you are well
you are happy
you are loved.

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