What Do You Want From Me?

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Tears stream down his face

As he lies alone at night

Sometimes he doesn't know why he cries

He just does

Sometimes he cries just because he can

At home, angry voices are all he hears

People never seem happy

He tries to hide in his room

He escapes into a world of literature

And for a little while he's someone else

He's living someone else's troubles and pains

He's living someone else's happiness and acheivements

Too soon for him, reality comes knocking on his door

He's called unsociable

He's told he doesn't want to be with his family

He thinks to himself

Why would I want to come out?

Why do you want me to come out?

You're just going to be angry

Like you always are

Why would I want to come out?

When I can escape your perpetually upset attitude


He wonders

What do you want from me?

A Little Book of PoemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt