is dekus father one for all?

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Many people have debated on this one and still are. Midoriya and one for all do have plenty of identical traits so why don't we go over a few

For starters, one for all is an unknown man that no one really knows his age or what he looked like.begore the mask and tunes and such and Midoriya or deku is known as a character with only a mother and a father who works overseas??

Now we do get a name of this mystery father which is Hiroshi Midoriya. Hiroshi is known for having a fire breathing quirk and Midoriyas mother Inko is known for having the ability to float objects towards her. Both small quirks.

Now let's talk about the absence of the Midoriya father. Although Inko does explain that he works overseas, but other then that and a quirk, no other info is given about Izukus father and he never shows up, not to mention, Inko seemed nervous talking about her husband.

Now let us look at All for one. I can see why many may say he is not Midoriyas father. We believe that he's centuries old. But we also see his many many quirks, so he could have used one to stay young, and ultimately live for this long. He also possesses a quirk mentioned about the father, fire breathing. Now this could mean many things such as: he could've killed Hiroshi and talen his quirk, he is Hiroshi or many other things.

But our question is, is All For One Izukus father? Who really knows, many people will always try to find facts to either prove its real or prove him to not be Dekus father. Maybe things will go just as they did with Dabi and things will lay out and prove one or the other. Only time will tell

Let me know your opinion in the comments and if you have any other ideas for prophecies or debates also let me know and we can discuss it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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