Chapter 3: Don't Leave Me This Way

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Meanwhile, John woke up in a strange place only to realise that he was dreaming after having experience in other people's dreams. This place looks like hell, rocks are falling off at random areas and he felt like he was stuck in a nightmare. Just then, he saw his and Curt's dream demons come right in front of him. "You guys again?" John asked. "Ah it's the tall redhead guy with OCD, of course it's us again," Curt's OCD demon said. "What are you doing here?" Zombified Jim asked. "He probably just killed himself so that he could end up here," Zombified Andy said. John was horrified, he thought he was dead and ended up in hell. "How do I get out?" John asked. "That won't be easy, you'd need to get through us first," Curt's ADHD demon said. "Curt!" John called out.

The next morning Curt and Andy woke up to a nurse giving them breakfast. It was Alex, Curt's nurse from about last month. "Alex?" Curt asked, sleepily. "Yeah, it's me, Curt, how are you doing?" Alex asked. "It's been crazy, I became deaf a few days ago after some lab exploded but at least someone saved me and my friends from the explosion," Curt said, gesturing at Andy. "Hello darling, you must be Andy," Alex said, going up to Andy. "Yeah, that's me," Andy said. "How are you? I thought you died of AIDS," Alex asked. "Well, let's just say a doctor decided to fake my death and AIDS diagnosis," Andy said. "Edmund, I knew it," Alex said. "Oh and just yesterday, John attempted suicide by overdosing on my medicine and now he's in the children's intensive care unit," Curt said, feeling bad about spilling it out.

"But that medicine had immunosuppressants in there," Alex said, remembering what Dr Hayley said. "I wonder who put that with my ibuprofen," Curt said. "Bet it's Dr Richards," Alex said. "Wait, I thought he already got arrested by the time I was released," Curt said. "That's what I thought so too, but now I know that he put those immunosuppressants in your meds," Dr Hayley said, entering the room. "Why does he hate teenagers so much?" Andy asked. "He doesn't, he doesn't like how you have connections with your parents back when they were teens so his goal was to kill the remaining descendants of those teens," Dr Hayley said. Just then, while Curt was eating, Jim came in. "Oh, is this Curt and Andy's room?" Jim asked. "You're in the right place, come in," Dr Hayley said, gesturing for Jim to come in.

"I brought extra clothes," Jim said, putting a bag down. "Thanks, Jim," Andy said. "Andy, you can get out of the hospital gown now but you're still admitted here," Dr Hayley said. "Finally," Andy said. "But Curt and I have to help you," Jim said, about to pick up Andy. "Let's head to the bathroom," Curt said while picking out clothes for Andy. While looking through the clothes, Curt noticed that the clothes that were meant for Andy belonged to John. "Jim, aren't these John's clothes?" Curt asked while taking out whatever Andy wears as casual clothes. "Yeah, those were John's spare clothes, not to mention I didn't bring shoes cuz someone is not compatible with them," Jim said, looking at Andy. "What's the point in wearing shoes if John carries me around a lot?" Andy asked, sarcastically.

Dr Hayley disconnected Andy's feeding tube from the feed as Jim and Curt took Andy to the bathroom where they helped him get changed. Being careful with the NG tube. After that, Jim placed Andy on his bed before Curt asked if he, Andy and Jim could see John. "Dr Hayley, can we see John?" Curt asked. "Sure, but we got some other visitors coming with us," Dr Hayley said as the other Wild Boys came in. "Hi Andy, hi Curt," Kate said, greeting the hospitalised teens. "Why is Andy wearing John's clothes?" Nick asked. "Why haven't you guys noticed that I'm wearing John's clothes the entire time?" Andy asked. "And isn't wearing any socks or shoes," Jim said. "What's the point in giving him either of those if John keeps carrying him around?" Roger asked. "Whatever, let's go see John," Curt said, standing up from the sofa while Jim picked up John.

Everyone walked through the halls and took the lift to the children's intensive care unit. Once they arrived at John's room, he still looked the same, sleeping still with an ECMO machine and a ventilator. "He still hasn't woken up," Dr Hayley said which triggered something in Roger's mind. "What?" Chris asked. Then, Roger's mind began writing something at the back of a paper on Dr Hayley's clipboard. It is something in an alien language which Curt could translate. "Roger, why is your mind writing on my clipboard?" Dr Hayley asked. "Anne, I think that's alien language," Alex said, pointing at the weird script on the paper. "I can translate it," Curt said, grabbing the clipboard. "What does it say?" Roland asked, also trying to figure out what Roger wrote.

"Guys, it's me, John, I'm stuck in some sort of box which looks like a desert and Curt and I's dream demons were there. Please, save me, send me an angel, I need to get out of here," Curt read out. Curt closed his eyes and tried to connect with John to try to figure out what's going on. "What now?" Simon asked. Curt could see John, being vulnerable and being attacked by the demons. He opened his eyes and entered John's hospital room. "Curt, what are you doing?" George asked, following Curt. "I'm gonna get John out of this coma somehow," Curt said, putting himself on an extra bed next to John. "But it's dangerous, you're gonna be in a comatose state," Andy said. "Trust me, I'll be fine, I'll save John," Curt said, lying down on the bed.

"Okay, you're gonna reach John in your dreams which might result in being in a coma, are you sure you wanna do this?" Dr Hayley asked. "If it's worth saving John, I'm sure I wanna do this," Curt said before closing his eyes. Dr Hayley immediately ordered Alex and some other nurses to get some heart monitors and bump up Curt's oxygen. Curt woke up and he is now in John's coma dream and is able to breathe better without the oxygen. "It worked, now I need to get to John," Curt said to himself before he began running. Meanwhile, John was severely injured after trying to defeat the dream demons and his eyesight became blurry. He tried to make out a blurry figure that was running towards him. "Curt?" John quested before one of the dream demons gave him a blow on his chest.

John was in so much pain, he was bleeding everywhere. The wound mostly coming from his chest and some coming out of his neck. But that's when he tried to stand up despite the pain he was in. Meanwhile, Curt was trying to approach John as much as he could. He was surprised he managed to do it without his lungs giving him a hard time. But he had to focus on saving his best friend.

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