Chapter 2

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Amelia landed at the airport in New York, following the instructions she received from Hydra, and searched for the two agents who were supposed to pretend to be her parents.

 She was walking around the terminal with her suitcase. when she saw two people holding a paper with her name on it. She approached him and when she reached him, the woman hugged her lightly and the man took her suitcase. 

They left the airport and got into a luxurious black BMW. As soon as the door closed, the woman began to speak. "How was Agent Rodriguez's flight?" the woman asked as the man began to drive away from the airport. "Long," Amelia simply answered back. The woman simply nodded. 

After more than half an hour, the man stopped the car near a medium-sized family house with a garden behind the house. "We're home," the man said as they all unbuckled and got out of the car. They entered the house, sat down on the couch in the pleasant looking living room. 

"My name is Agent Maria Jackson and this is Agent Michael Stone, but during your stay in New York you will call us Mom and Dad. You will visit further Midtown High School, where you have to make friends with Peter Parker. You are already registered there and you start school on Monday at 9:00. In the presence of other children, you have to act like them so that you don't look suspicious. Me and agent Stones work from home, so we'll be here all the time, and if you need help with anything, come to us. To be clear, we don't want to replace your parents, but we want you to feel with us and to experience at least a little bit of a family atmosphere", Jackson's Agent and Amelia, who processed all the information she had just received, told her. 

"Do you want to see your new room?" the man asked her, and Amelia nodded with an enthusiastic smile.

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