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A long, long time ago, there was a dull and lifeless island. It's sharp rocks allowed no life, no light. Until a star struck down from the sky.

The light shone in the dark, stormy seas. The waves crashed against the shore, as a white horse rose from the dying star in the waters. On it's back, a woman. She rode across the sea, calming it as they went. In her hand she had a harp, which played a calming melody.

The moment they touched shore, life spread. Trees grew from the ground, flowers sprouted and grass spread. The island was born anew, and was thus given a name.


This story, all children and adults on Jorvik now. Atleast those born on the rock. But there is a second part of the story, that many have no clue of exists. The second part, that never ended. Because the story is not yet fully told, as long as they ride on.

The Soulriders.

This is the story, of the first sisterhood. The first chosen, the first warriors, and their demise.

SOULRIDERS, The first SisterhoodWhere stories live. Discover now