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A/N: thank you for 100 reads on this already yall!🤭

490 words

present day.

Finney groans, covering his eyes from the bright morning sun. After a few seconds his eyes adjust, he looks around at the woods around him. Last night he had been too tired and had just slept against a random tree.

It was a risky move, but he hadn't thought about that. He grabs a granola bar from his backpack, biting into it. He hums at the taste of it in his mouth, quickly eating the rest of it.

When he's done, he stands up, not before grabbing his shotgun, and putting his knife into its holder on his belt.

Finney doesn't really have any goal in mind. He has no idea where he's going, only knowing he's still in Colorado. He hasn't seen another person ever since the last person from the small group got bit.

He's confused.

It seemed like hours for Finney, but he finally got out of the woods, being met with a small abandoned town. Finney sighs, before cautiously walking into the rundown general store.

He carefully walks down the aisles, most of them completely empty, thick covers of dust on them. "Of course, everyone already took everything." Finney whispers to himself.

Finney heads into the stores bathroom. After he finishes his business, he looks in the mirror. He hasn't seen what he looked in like months.

His hair was grown out, touching his shoulders, and a messy, curly mess. His face resembled one of the dead, his cheek bones stuck out, and his eyes looked void of emotion.

Finney sighs, turning the sink on, and washing his face off with water. He looks at his clothes and grimaces.

He was wearing a dark blue shirt, covered in dirt and mud. His jeans were torn at the knees, dirt visible on them. His black zip up jacket was torn up aswell.

Finney rubs his hands over his face, looking down at his worn out converse. He looks at himself one more time, before walking out of the store.

He walks into a few more stores, only finding 3 cans of food, and a few bottles of water that were scattered on the store floor.

Finney decides to head into a clothing store, maybe he could find something to replace these gross clothes.

He goes through the almost empty racks of clothing, grabbing a plain white tank top, and a random grey hoodie, slipping them on. He couldn't find any new pants or shoes, he was okay with that though.

He continues to look through the racks, when he hears the sound of something clatter on the floor. "Shit!" a hushed voice whispers. Finney tightens his grip on his gun, holding it up.

"Hello? Show yourself." Finney demands, walking towards the directions where the noise came from. Finney hears a sigh and shuffling from behind a tall aisle.

Finally, the person emerges.

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