chapter 6

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I sit down while I wait for timedeo to get the food i feel movement "huh?" omg!! I just forgot shroud was on my back I took him off/out and placed him on my lap

*yawn... Dad where are we

*Aww he called me dad*

"we are on a boat i said"

"a boat! yesh are we going to see dophins"


i realized i didn't say that...then i saw timedeo carrying plates of fish and water

"looks like hes hungry here eat up"

I watch as shroud eats

"So are you going to eat"

"Oh yeah" i say as i start eating my food

so tommy what are you doing out here with a child.

well..... i began to explain everything that happened i realize I was crying I wipe my tears and continue explaining..

"Hey don't cry don't worry you're safe"

"Hmm you guys come live with me we are only a day away also i have a surprise when we get there but for now you guys get some rest.

"dophins!"shroud shouted

i woke up... where is shroud? I quickly got up and went to find shoud

I see shroud looking over the deck and pointing to something I then see deo with him I walk over there and see dolphins *wow

"bye bye dolphins" i hear shroud say

"sunshine there you are lets go inside so I can cook you guys some food also were only 3 hours away

only 3 hours away from....home wow*

Word count 258 words

Journey WestWhere stories live. Discover now