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It was ordinary day, fluke and bohn were walking to a coffee shop, To get a coffee and come up with some ideas for there new book. As they were coming out , when fluke happened to turn his head and see a little girl walking into traffic , and without thinking he ran grab the girl and push her out of the way. And bohn turn around and noticed that fluke was about to get hit. So he ran and try to grab fluke form being hurt. . But it was to late. The car couldn't stop and got them both. Everyone around was hurray for someone to call 911. And when they show up they saw bohn with a broken shoulder. And rush him into the emergency room and saw fluke had a broken leg. And rush him to the emergency room. Doctors come in and told fluke he was going to half to have surgery. And therapy to get full use of his leg back. And then went to bohn and said sir. Your going half to have Therapy. So we're going give y'all something to relax. And then we will send down your therapy"s to explain. Everything. And then. Bohn said could you move me in the room with my friend so I know he ok. Nurse said let me talk to the doctor and see what he said and then about an hour later the nurse came back in and said your friend is doing good. He just come out of surgery and doing great. But the doctor said he didn't see a problem with it. But after you have your surgery. And then they come down and push him to the surgery area. And not 2 hours he was done . And roll him in the same room has fluke. Doctor looked at fluke. And said it went good he should be waking up any time. And the Therapist will be down soon. Fluke thank them . And they left the room.   

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