October 4th, 2022

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How much further now? We’ve been walking forever!” Serena shouts from the back of the group, who are making their way through the deep eerie forest.

“Not long now team, the map says it is just over the ridge,” Greg yells back.

The group of five teens and two adults, are meandering along a narrow dirt trail, their destination, Luther’s Camping Grounds. The sunshine is partially blocked by mammoth trees, spreading an ominous dark shadow across the expanse. Greg Hamilton is a new facilitator to the group, and the other facilitator Carol Hughs, has led hundreds of teens into the bush at least three times a year, for the past twenty years. This part of her job, she enjoys the most – immersed in nature, feeling the earth crunch beneath her boots, though age is catching up with her.

Already prepared for no cell phone signal, as they journey deeper into the woods, Carol is trusting Greg to negotiate the map. This is her last camping trip; retirement at the end of this, another chapter will be closed. All the things she’s been putting off, waiting for freedom; no more smelly grotty teenagers, Carol is totally over it. The trek is steep as they near the ridge, which will take them to the camping grounds. At the top, astonished, Greg yells for Carol to join him at the front. He paces, on edge. Gradually, she climbs to the top beside him. Her body aches and niggles.

“What’s the matter?...” Carol pauses, confused, looking at the horizon. “Oh shit, we need to regroup and go over the map again. We must have strayed off the path somewhere…,” scarlet heats her cheeks, mad at Greg’s inattention, piercing him with rabid eyes.

The campground is not at the bottom of the gully like Greg had thought, only more hills raise their heads into the pale blue sky. The teens sit around the rocks, munching on energy bars, while the facilitators appraise the map intently. Carol is tired and weary; a headache forming behind her eyes. Dusk is a few hours off, so Carol makes the decision to forge ahead. If they go further along the path, they should intercept another trail, she hopes will take them straight to their destination.

Walking on, the kids chattering amongst themselves, Greg not paying attention, and Carol dreaming of the Caribbean; sitting on the beach with a cocktail in her hand, soaking in the hot sun. She’s been saving her holiday payments for a ticket on the newest cruise ship – top of the line, five swimming pools, stops in the Caribbean islands, drinks, and food galore, perhaps a new love interest? When finally, they make it to the point they should be intercepting the trail, there is none, it doesn’t exist. In a fury, Carol snatches the map from Greg, pissed that they are lost, accidentally ripping the map in half.

Serena turns to Charlotte, “I think we’re lost, should they be fighting like that?”

Everyone has stopped, the teens look on engrossed by the adults’ hostile behaviour. Carol and Greg are yelling, throwing around blame and insults.

“Grrrr….” Carol stomps off, but not far away, she just needs a break and a chance to think. “This is all my fault; I should never have trusted you!” she mutters beneath her breath at Greg.

Greg composes himself, when he sees the dire look on the kids’ faces.

“I think we are lost, but I’m fairly certain I can get us back on the right track,” Greg says flippantly, trying to hold the two ripped pieces of the map together.

The sun is nearly kissing the horizon. The sky, blanketed in purples, pinks and golds. Still, they are no closer to the campgrounds. Fortunately, they each carry pop-up tents in their rucksacks, along with the usual garb; sleeping bag, food, water, wet weather gear, and supplies.

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