disaster (Still BACKSTORY)

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"wake up!" my mom shouted from the door to my bedroom "okay okay" i say as i hurry out of bed. my mom slammed the door shut. after i changed i ran down the stairs into the kitchen where mom had already made breakfast. after i ate my breakfast i went to look at the list of chores i had to do today. (oh and i forgot to mention in the first BACKSTORY you are 7 in this one you are 12 + sarah is because idk what age she was in that backstory thing in hocus pocus 2)

                   THE LIST

milk the cows

buy eggs 

suprisingly that was all. i headed to milk the cows when i saw the townfolks crowding around something. i headed to the crowd to see what was happening 

 Sarahs (POV)

"suprise!" me and mary say. "this is the worst day of my life!" winnie says "uh oh" mary says. "but winnie look what we made. I discovered if thou doth grind pig's hooves and mix it with water, it creates mysterious goo. Then mary had the wonderful idea to mix a drop of goats blood.and look it jiggleth."i say "taste this winnie tis divine!" mary says "i cannot eat i am too troubled" winnie says. mary gasps and says "didst the turner boys lock thee in the hay barrack again?" right after winnie says "worse ive been told im getting... old." me and mary look at eachother for a split second. "and i must marry.." winnie says. mary gasps ".. john pritchett" winnie says. me and mary look at eachother and gasps then look back to winnie. "reverend traske arranged it, he said it was his duty since father died" winnie says "didst thee say no?" i ask "of course" winnie says "then i took the lords name in vain twice!" winnie says. mary chuckles "thou art most wicked, winnie." mary says "only a truly wretched man can make me say such things." winnie says. then she takes a plate and throws it the plate shatters into a million pieces. "it was my favorite plate" i say with a frown on my face. "there there there winnie let us forget the reverend and john pritchett" mary says "wouldst thee like to open thy presents?" mary asks . "you will love it" i say while i giggle. "we searched for the largest one we could find" i say. winnie opens the wooden box to reveal a spider me and mary bought for her. winnie gasps, "it is adorable what shall we name it?" winnie says, somebody knocks on the door. "it is the reverend!" winnie says " hide act as if we are not here" winnie says right after, i hear a quiet shout "open the door" "we are not here!" i shout "SHHH!" winnie queitly shouts. winnie opens the door "yes?" she says. "winifred sanderson" the man says." i will mercifully give thee one more chance, oh" the man says while walking up to winnie,"atone for thy disgusting words and agree to marry john pritchett" the man continues, "allow me a moment to reconsider" winnie says "yes of course" the man says "No!" winnie says. "oh praise god" john says" i apologize reverend it is only she is so ugly and unpleasant" john continues "and thou art some price!" winnie says , i chuckle "oh it is true he is quite odd but how dare thou sayeth so" the man says "i refuse  to marry that lout" winnie spits back" if i shall marry anyone it will be billy butcherson" winnie says " what why me" billy says "because we are soul mates" winnie says "since when?!" billy says" since we shared that kiss in the graveyard" winnie says, everybody groans,"thou has defied the authority of the church if thou doth wish to continue in such flagrant disregard of all that we hold sacrosanct thou shall not do it here" the man says then he continues "a rotten apple quickly infects its neighbour" mary puts her arm around me, "and we want no more like thee.. I banish thee from salem!" he says" forever. take the girls!" the man says "what?!" winnie says " no no no no" me and mary say" you cant do that take your hands off my sisters" winnie says" no stop it!" " but this is our home!"mary says while the man drags us away "stop thou cannot take my sisters!" winnie shouts, "winnie please!" mary shouts, the man suddenly screams, "quick to the forbidden wood" winnie says "but its forbidden " i say "so they will not follow go!" winnie says, we start running "keep up" winnie says while running "stay close" winnie says, "where are we" mary asks "i dont know ive never been this deep into the woods before" winnie says, "i do not like this place" i say," perphaps we should form a calming circle" mary says,"think soothing thoughts" winnie says"the smell of fresh mud the reverends scream when he saw the spider" winnie says "the soothing of thoughts" i say, we heard a twig snap, me mary and winnie all gasp, "what was that!?" mary says, we all put our arms around eachother, "come little children ill take thee away into a land of enchantment" a husky womans voice sing in the distance, i start to walk towards it, "no sarah!" winnie queitly screams while running to grab me, a bird starts flying torwards us, and then transforms into a woman, then pulls me up by the chin. "no stop!" mary and winnie shout in unison."thou looketh thirsty child" the woman says while puting some kind of potion up to my lips, "let her go!" winnie say while running up to me and grabbing the womans arm, she then drops me, then grabs winnie, then drops her while gasping, "why didst thou come into my woods?" the woman asks "we had no choice they were gonna take my sisters" winnie says "thou art different from the other children i have eat..." "met." the woman says "they feared thou wouldst corrupt them" "new world same story" "but they were right to fear thee thy temper" the woman says "i do not have a temper" winnie says"thy.." "power" " dost thou know why the commoners fear these woods?" "this is a very sacred space for witches" the woman says, me mary and winnie gasp "we come here to charge our magic" the woman says "to make us stronger" "more powerful" "this alter is what makes salem so very special" the woman says "special salem is dreadful" winnie says "only because it is run by fools!" the woman says "but one day salem will belong to us" the woman says "us?" winnie asks, then the woman pulls out a book, with an eye (ofc) mary and me both scream, the book starts floating towards winnie "magic has a way of uniting things that ought to be together" "happy 16th birthday child" the woman says "but" winnie says "im a witch i know things" the woman says, mary giggles "go on" the woman says, winnie opens the book "tis an apothecary book like one of fathers" mary says "no tis a spell book" winnie says "magicae maxima the power spell oh lets do this one" winnie says "magicae maxima makes a witch all powerful it is most frowned upon doomed is the witch that uses this spell promise thou shalt never do it" the woman says, me and mary nod "why?" winnie asks "because i said so" the woman says "besides book does not like it" the woman says "do not worry mister book i shall not do that spell i promise" winnie says "but what of the cat one" mary says "that would be good to do to john pritchett" mary says, me mary and winnie laugh, "thou art lucky to have each other a witch is nothing without her coven" the woman says "where is thy coven?" winnie asks "long gone im afraid" the woman says "the world is not too fond of witches cant imagine why" the woman says "perhaps because thu eateth the children?" mary says "how else does one stay young and ridiculously beautiful?" the woman says "how can i ever thank thee?" winnie says, but the woman had disappeared, "she turned into leaves!" i say "what will we do with it winnie?" mary asks,(since my fingers have disappeared they burned down a house in salem:D)

your (POV)

'they had ran away into the forbidden woods' i thought (little did she know 4 years later the same happend to her)


AAAAAAHHHHHHH my hands are spaghetti, ANYWAYS BACKSTORY DOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNEEEEEEEEE YESSSSSSS im now gonna start on the 1st chapter toodles

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