Ch.4 The Resurrection

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*At the Goetia palace

Orion: Can't believe I have to marry her. Why can't I choose?

Butler: Maybe you have a new goal in mind. 

Orion: For sure.

Butler: I know it will be difficult but I'm sure she is a good match for you.

Orion: You think?

Butler: Yes.

*A portal is heard forming

Orion: What was that?

Vergil: Orion!

Orion: Vergil?

*Orion runs to the noise origin

Orion: What are you doing here?

Vergil: We need your help. What do you know about the ancient gods?  

Orion: Why?

Vergil: We need to know now.

Orion: Follow me.

Vergil: Are your parents here?

Orion: No they are not. Why?

Vergil: They need to stay out of this.

Orion: OOOk. So what are you looking for?

Vergil: The Dark Lord.

Orion: Dark Lord, let's see. Found something.

Nero: What is it?

Orion: Very little info but he was the first to walk through the void and create life. He created all only has been written about and has never been seen for over a decillion years.

Dante: That's it?

Orion: Yes.

Vergil: What about resurrections?

Orion: Why?

Vergil: The Slayer took his life sphere and now is somewhere else I can only assume what he is going to do. 

Orion: Resurrections. You must take it to Urdak and the maykrs must help you because who ever was granted to take the sphere can pass through with no problem.

Dante: Why the Dark Lord?

Orion: I could not tell you because I don't know.

Vergil: We go to Urdak.

Orion: You don't have a sphere and you are not maykr.

Vergil: The seal was broken back when the Icon rose and the Khan Maykr fell demons can travel to the location now.

Orion: But your human?

Nero: You clearly forgot.

Dante: We can travel through which we need to do now.

Orion: I'm coming.

Vergil: No. You stay behind.

Orion: You trained me remember.

Vergil: I will not risk your life for fun.

Orion: You said that if I am not out there then I won't truly learn.

Vergil: This place is to much for you.

*Vergil creates a portal.

Vergil: Stay here.

*The three walk through the portal.

Nero: We have to stop the Slayer.

Dante: He still knows something we don't.

Nero: We still must stop him.

Father: You are not full demon but you are not full human. What are you?

Nero: What are you?

Father: I am the Father. The creator of this world.

Vergil: Where is the Slayer?

Father: On his way to the Holt, to bring me back.

Vergil: He does not know.

Dante: He can figure it out we got to move.

Nero: Where is the Holt?

Father: I will take you to the location.

*The Father creates a portal to the Holt and the three walk through to a open walkway in front of a door.

Nero: I hear stuff going on behind the door.

Dante: Prepare yourself.

*The door opens to see the Slayer, demons, and the Seraphim fighting.

Nero: Sight to see.

Vergil: He's trying to stop the Slayer.

Dante: Let's get going.

*As soon as Dante takes a step in he is hit by a imp

Nero: Watch before you leap.

*The three join the fight helping the Slayer avoiding the traps around the world fight killing all demons.

Dante: He's using the ghost things to heal himself.

Vergil: Target them to hurt him.

*The slayer uses his plasma rifle to destroy the spirits hurting the Seraphim eventually causing him to fall

Dante: That was not to hard.

Nero: Speak for yourself. I'm going to feel everything tonight.

*The slayer walks up to the Seraphim 

Father: He was my servant. On my command removed me from this place.

*The Slayer activates his doomblade about to kill the Seraphim. 

Father: It is not required that you end his life. Your mission here is now your own.

*The Slayer retracts his blade as the door to the Holt opens

Dante: Your sure about this?

Nero: Think about what your doing here.

*The slayer walks through the door as the other three follow him. 

Vergil: No turning back now.

*The door opens into a big empty room

Father: The consequences of your actions are irreversible. 

*The two maykrs fly to the Slayer as he shows the sphere of the Dark Lord.

Vergil: This is it.

*The maykrs fly back with the Sphere as they begin the recreation process.

Nero: My god. 

Dante: It's the Slayer?

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