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What's that saying about feeding animals and when they back? 

You were finishing washing the blood stains off your blade that once shined, covering up one of the last pieces of evidence. You were humming a tune perfect for this season and the moment 

The TV light bouncing in the dark reaching the dark kitchen where you stood washing away the crimson thick liquid that the water took it's lovely time washing away.

"I just want you for my own, More than you could ever know! Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you!" One of your favorite Christmas songs blasting through your house, blurring out the sound of water running.

After a bit of overwashing, you held the blade up to your face, seeing your blurred reflection, water drippings sliding down the knife holding your smirking face you proudly stood tall and looked at your reflection with pride instead of the usual disappointment or disgust. 

To be fair, how could you not be proud? 

You're a runner-up, popular, murder around town, even on the outskirts of the big bright city. You've only murdered 19 people...Well, the big two zero today! But still, despite the low number, you're good at what you do even with all the people bustling around and all this technology, but you've never been caught nor suspected of anything! And today you were gonna celebrate with a good fine wine, something you usually don't indulge in since wine wasn't your taste, but today was an especially special day for you.

 You look at the blade once more before putting it back in its very specific position. You'd make sure to always remember which knife was which you wouldn't want to misplace the knife, then use it when cooking? That'd be gross or use a perfectly good knife staining it with sin.

No one knows this, but if people look a tad bit closer, you'll see a little black dot near the sinful knife's proper placement. 

You sighed, everything was so close to being done, you were so close to just relaxing, watching whatever with your glass of wine in maybe a robe if your feeling fancy or maybe a bubble bath with some wine and your favorite song in the background you leading on the kitchen counter fantasizing all the ways you could relax. 

Looking to your left, you spot the human skin in a zip-lock bag with black gloves soaked in water. Today's murder was a bit gorey and graphic. Then again, what body that you laid your knife along wasn't? It's just you accidentally took the skin with you... there wasn't anywhere to put it and it was on the end of your shoe at the time. 

You needed to get rid of it but-

 It was Christmas, everyone was out and about buying presents and gifts, hanging up lights and little decorations around, even some looking for the right tree to chop down. You knew someone was gonna find the body soon. If not for this time of year being the busiest, if the soft white snow that'd be covered in blood spreading out infecting the other white flakes hiding the grass and pavement under didn't give away the dead body a person probably would

The question.. Pondering in your head for awhile 'what will I do with this skin', you leaded in the counter more gaining a headache for thinking way to hard for somthing this small but... You have to be careful one slip up and your gone sent straight to jail. You stared at Mariah dancing around singing with a smile. The TV screen could have been seen reflecting within your eyes that held no sorrow or guilt. 

What if you just danced around this problem? 

Maybe doing something hard wasn't worth a headache or lost relaxation.

 Surely, if you were in a cartoon, a light bulb would appear on top of your head in the woods! What if you just threw it in the wild? Sure, maybe wasn't the best plan, but there are all kinda animals that would eat human skin like it was a five-star restaurant. You grabbed an old bowl and unzipped the zip lock bag. You shook the skin. It was practically hugging the bag, trying to stay in like it knew its fate.

 It plopped into the bowl and you kinda felt grossed out. The skin is a bit softer in its color thanks to blood loss and the lack of limbs its not attached to

 You held it carefully and slid open the backdoor leading to the woods. Around your town there were thick long woods that connected to some houses and, thankfully, to yours. 

With a smile you walked like nothing was happening, like you didn't just have a bowl of sickening human skin. 

You'd decided to go a bit far in the woods since you weren't sure if anything but rabbits and squirrels came by your house. The more deep you went, the more the smell of dark wood filled your nose, blocking the smell of raw skin and iron.  

The woods were very beautiful even if it was pretty dark. The trees seemed to stand taller and, have loads of snow hugging them, making it look like the tree had a fluffy coat on, soft crunches of snow and once and awhile, sticks and leaves crackling were the only thing to be heard, no birds chirping, no rabbits running, no foxes (what does the fox say) hopping just you and your bowl. 

You took your final step before placing the bowl down, you kicked it a bit and went on your jolly way. 

The fresh air had invaded your lugs and the pine smell had taken over your nose. This relaxed you so you weren't too mad about wasting "wine-time", and put you in such a good mood you decided to whistle alone in the dark, dark woods. 

Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but whatever!

You saw Christmas lights leaking into the woods and knew you were almost out. It was about time that wine was calling your name! You walked out of the woods only hearing a slight hum in the forest before leaving
Idk what to do with my other alastor fic but I hope you enjoy this!

Sorry for any bad Grammer miss spellings or misuse of words have a good day🧍‍♂️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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