OCTOBER 15TH, 1994

793 20 1

Today Mom and I went shopping, we have to decorate the house for Halloween !

-"So what else do we need ?" Mom asked.

-"Halloween costumes !"

-"What costume do you want ?"


-"What about a skeleton costume ?"

-"A vampire !"

-"Are you sure ?"

-"Yes !"

-"Okay let's see if they have something to make a vampire costume."

-"Mom ! Can we make a costume for Izana ! And one for Kaku too !"

-"Of course ! A vampire one too ?"

-"Yes ! Can they come with us trick-or-treating too ?"

-"We have to ask the orphanage first."

-"Okay !"

-"You will ask Izana and Kakucho if they want to come with us next you go see them."

-"No ! It's a surprise !"

-"What if they don't want to come ?"

-"I'm sure they will ! Now let's see for our costumes !"

-"Okay !"

We found everything we needed for our costumes ! Izana and Kaku will be so happy ! I'm so excited !

-"Welcome home !"

-"Dad ! Guess what !"

-"What ?"

-"We will make halloween costumes for Izana and Kaku ! And they will come trick-or-treating with us !"

-"(Y/N) I told you we have to aks the orphanage first."

-"I know Mom ! But I'm sure they will say yes !"

-"Did you tell Izana and Kakucho about this ?" Dad asked.

-"No !"

-"She said it's a surprise for them." Mom said.

-"My sweet little girl !" Dad said hugging me "I'm so proud of you ! You are so nice !"

-"Dad I can't breathe !"

-"Sorry !"

-"Mom ! Can we start making the costumes ?"

-"Yes let's go !"

-"Can I help too ?"

-"No ! You always mess up things Dad !"

-"No I don't ! Honey tell her I don't !"

-"Sorry but she's right you're not good at those things." Mom laughed.

-"Honey !"

-"Ah ! Mom said it too ! Now let us go makes the costumes and you make dinner !"

-"Okay okay !"

-"Let's go Mom !"

-"(Y/N) don't run in the house !"

-"Sorry !"

-"I think we shoud make the baskets first since they'll take more time."

-"Okay Mom !"

-"In what color should we make them ?"

-"Red and black !"

-"The three baskets ?"

-"Yes !"

-"How will we know which basket is whose ?"

-"Hmm...Let's write our names on them !"

-"Let's do that ! But we'll have to write Kaku and not Kakucho because the basket is to small."

-"No ! Let's just write the first letter of our name !"

-"Why ? Isn't it how you call him ?"

-"Yes but Izana doesn't really like it. I think he will be upset if I write Kaku on Kaku's basket and I don't want him to be upset. I'm sure that if I do that we will fight and I don't want to. It's a surprise for the both of them so I want them to be happy."

-"Your dad is right you really put people's feelings first."

-"Mom wait !"

-"What's wrong sweeheart ? Did you hurt yourself ?"

-"No ! I just had an idea ! My costume and my basket will be black and pink. Izana's will be black and purple and Kaku's will be black and red !"

-"Why these color ?"

-"Because Izana has purple eyes and Kaku has a red eye."

-"Kakucho has only one red eye ?"

-"Yes his other eye is white with a scar."

-"Why ?"

-"I don't know he didn't tell me. I didn't ask because he seemed embarrassed about it."


-"Should I put glitter on them ? I'm sure Izana will complain about it if I put glitter on his basket but Kaku won't say anything. But if I put glitter on Kaku's basket Izana will be upset. What do I do ?"

-"You really want to make the both of them happy."

-"Yes ! I want it to be perfect ! I think I'll put glitter on all the baskets. They never left the orphanage so I want their first time to be perfect !"

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