part 2

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I love hanging out with Javon but the truth is I've always had something for Jayden. My alarm goes off at I really don't wanna go to school today. I shower,do my make-up and my hair."what to wear today?", i question myself. This is what I wear.

I finally found my outfit and when I grab my phone and bag I see its already 7am

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I finally found my outfit and when I grab my phone and bag I see its already 7am. I run downstairs grap an apple and head to the door." Aww for a change you eat something that doesn't have calories." Lucas says. I've always been insecure about my weight and my brother just made it worse. Im not fat buty brother says I am. I ignore him amd walk to school. I pack my books and by the corner of my eye i see Jayden kissing a girl. Not any girl my best friend. I was hurt. The bell rings and I go to my first class which Jayden is in. I take a seat right at the back and lexi(bsf) sits next to me."hiii bella!",she says but I ignore her. During the lesson every time Lexi trys making a conversation I ignore her. Im upset and mad,she knows I like Jayden. She passed a note to Jayden and then he looks at me. Not a haply look more like a angry look. What had she done. After 2 more lessons the bell rings and i walk to the cafeteria where Jayden,Javon,Jayla and ofcourse Lexi. Just looking at her face I knew she made trouble. I walk over there and they all looked angry. "And now?" I say confused. "Why are you so rude to Lexi?", Jayden says. "Yea she told us you said she is a bitch!"Jayla says. I never said that but why would they believe me. "But i never said that."I say. "Yes you did don't lie",Javon said. Wow what friends believe her over me. "Oh btw lexi is sitting with us you are no longer welcome." I almost broke down in tears. I look over at lexi and she's smiling. What a bitch. "And me and Jayden are dating!",lexi said. "Bye now fatty!" They all say laughing. I felt the tears forming. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I just wanna go home. It was last lesson . I can't go to class with puffy eyes and mascara running down my face. I clean up and as i walk into the class i held my head down and sat right at the back. There's a note on my desk. I open it. It says "ur fat", "go d!e" "eat less" "be a chopping board". I look up with tears in my eyes and whta do I see. Jayden and Lexi laughing. Ofcourse it was them. I run out class and bump into someone. IT was Jayla and Javon. "Watch where you are going",they say. I apologize and carry on running. They noticed I was crying. I saw them follow me. I look myself in the stall in the girls bathroom and reach for something. A year clean washed straight down the drain. As I pick ig up I heard someone speak. "Bella are you in hear?". It was liam , Jaydens enemy. I walk out the stall . He sees it. "Bella....". He says. I start crying and he hugs me. I never felt more safe. " you're gonna be ok im right here". He was in my class so he obviously saw what happened. "Jayden is stupid and lexi. Don't worry about them."that made me happy. Liam walked me home."liam." "Yes love?". "Do u wanna hang out like now". "Why not!". We go up to my room. No one is home yet so it was just me and him. "What do you wanna do?" I ask. "Lets watch a movie" We watched Barbie as it was my favorite(yes he didn't like it.). I fell asleep. When I woke up , I saw a message from Jayla.


Out of everyone
Liam really.

What do u mean?.

U were cuddling
Yea so what...
He helped me when u. J. You didn't even believe me but I'm. believed lexi.

End of chat.

I opened instagram and see this.

@ liam_leeCaption: Sleeping beauty@ bella_love

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@ liam_lee
Caption: Sleeping beauty@ bella_love

❤️:bella_luv and 1million others.

Onwarbjay.:wtf bro

Bella_love:Taking photos of me ....

Two can play at that game.

@Bella_loveCaption: @liam_lee this you👀

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Caption: @liam_lee this you👀

❤️:liam_lee and 2mill others.
Comments: @liam_lee: oh u bitch.

@jayla_bae: wow bella....

935 more Comments.

Oh no. I think i have feelings for liam. I can't like him. Ohhh my.... I like like Liam. Ahhhhh whyyyyy. Its not to get back at Jayden. I use to like Liam. Wait he saved me. Im having a crush panic.
I heard the door open. Agggg great now my familys home. I hope my dad doesn't come home drunk again.

(Sorry i haven't posted and sorry for spelling mistakes.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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