chapter 1

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⚠️abuse , ped*phil , sad , mention of suicide , torture , mention of murder⚠️
Shūji tried to commit suicide at 12 years old . M*ri found him and took care of him .
He took care of him for 2 years until one day at the age of 14 , M*ri decided to let him join his "crew" and told him to change his name,
Shūji decided to change his name to "Osamu Dazai".
Dazai was M*ri doll , he would always listen to what M*ri ordered him no matter what.
To the point where if M*ri ordered dazai to shoot himself , he would without any hesitation.
At the age of 14 , Dazai started to witness murder , people getting killed , tortured etc....
M*ri started to act different with Dazai after he joined his "crew" which obviously wasn't a normal "crew", it was the port of Mafia.
M*ri would start hurting him , torturing him if he failed a mission or didin't take his order correctly , even se*ually abusing him (r*pe) sometimes and after all this he would say that he love him and he's doing this because he wants the best for him. He met 2 friends "ango" and "odasaku" but he didin't quite see odasaku as his friend , he saw him more of a father figure to him , when he was hit , abused or whatever he would go to talk to him , not abt M*ri ofc , he would talk to him abt chuyaa , abt the port of mafia , abt anything except M*ri , just to feel good even if it was for a little while but talking to Odasaku  always made him feel better.
And He then meet chuyaa , his partner , or like he likes to call him , "his dog" .
He would put all these bandages to hide the scares M*ri caused him.
At the age of 17 , when he was supposed to start living on his own , M*ri gave him a shipping container to live in , he lived there for 3 years until Odasaku was killed , Odasaku's wish was for Dazai to be on the side that saves ppl even if it didin't mean anything for him (Dazai)
So he listened to his wish and promised that he would leave the port of Mafia to be on the good side
After awhile Dazai managed to escape the Port of Mafia and join the armed detective agency .
But he would get drunk every night
If he didin't get drunk he would take some sleeping pills (cs he have Insomnia) to fall asleep, and start having nightmares abt M*ri abusing him , r*ping him or abt odasaku's death and how it was his fault not being able to save him .
(Insomnia is a sleep disorder where ppl have  difficulty falling or staying asleep)

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