chapter 10

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Y/NS pov

As I wake up, I turn around and I don't see Robin anywhere.
"Robin?" I ask, while rubbing my eyes.

"Yeah?" He replies. I open my eyes and see Robin crouching down in the hallway.

"What are you doing?" I ask him, confused, as he gets up and walks towards me.

"I was digging some more of the hole." He tells me.

"Oh okay." I say, "How long have you been doing that for?"

"I don't know, let me just look at the clock." He replies sarcastically. I roll my eyes at him and we both laugh together.

"When do you think the grabber is coming back?" I change the subject, worried that the grabber might come down here and see what we've done.

"I don't know." He states. Robin turns around to the hole, that looks deeper than before, and starts to walk towards it. "I'll hide it incase he comes down in a little bit."

"Okay." I respond. I sit up a bit more on the mattress so that I am more comfortable. Of course I am not fully comfortable, but as comfortable as I can get, being in someone's basement.

I hear the flushing of the toilet and I see Robin move the carpet back and jump over it.

"What if he suspects the carpet?" I ask him, when he sits down next to me.

"I don't know. Maybe we can just tell him we really like decorating?" He suggests.

"You sound serious." I inform him, turning around so that I am facing him.

"I am." He states, nonchalantly, still looking serious.

"So what?" I ask him, crossing my arms. "He will just believe us?"

"Maybe." He responds, shrugging again.

I am about to say something else, when, as if on cue, we see the lights turn on and then the door get unlocked.

The door opens, and the grabber walks in, holding a tray with something on it.

"What's that?" Robin asks him. He looks down at the tray and looks back up at me and Robin.

"I made you breakfast." He states, calmly. He could've drugged it.

"What did you put in it?" I ask him, suspiciously.

"Salt and pepper. Hehe" He giggles and then he walks over to me.

"Get away from her." Robin growls at the him. The grabber turns around and glares at him, annoyed.

"Don't worry. I wasn't going to touch your pretty little girlfriend." He looks at me again, and, even though he is wearing a mask that doesn't show any of his.face, I think he smirks at me. "But, if I wanted to I could. I mean, it's not like you're going to do anything about it."

He turns around to Robin, who is staring daggers at him. Robin has his fists clenched and looks like he is about to murder him.

"If you fucking touch her, I swear I'm going to-" He starts, before he gets interrupted by the grabber.

"Going to what?" He asks, tilting his head a bit. "Kill me?"

Robin doesn't say anything, I can see him biting the inside of his left cheek. He just stares at him, his eyes are burning with rage. The grabber giggles at the silence.

"Aww now isn't that adorable?" He asks, in a mocking voice. "You really think you can kill me?"

He turns back around to me, placing the tray on the floor.

Robin Arellano X Y/N (Joke)Where stories live. Discover now