The history of Captain Tal of the Starfleet Federation

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Ensign Haven Tal was the first mixed race joined trill in the Federation. They were the the first known Bajorian and Trill offspring in history.

They graduated from Starfleet Academy mostly with the help of a upcoming cadet who was the daughter of a Starfleet Admiral and Starfleet Captain. If it hadn't been for Cadet Beckett Mariner helping Tal three out of the four years they spent together at the academy, Ensign Tal could have easily be swept out of the academy.

Tal often looked up to previous Trill hosts in Starfleet and wondered if they would ever make it in Starfleet after being recommended by Captain Ezri Dax to join after growing up on Trill to escape the horrors that were the Bajoran occupation.

Tal often struggled with being connected to the world, not sure often if they were even liked in the academy, sure they had some friends but wasn't sure if they were being friendly because that was the nature of being a Starfleet cadet or if it was sincere. At times they even wondered if they should even continue being active in various social groups or if they left would anyone even notice. It was a daily struggle, there was even times when Tal questioned would anyone even notice if he stole a shuttle and maybe went to the artifact that some Romulans had discovered that had at one point been a borg cube but had been powered down when Admiral Janeway had returned to earth by destroying the Borg.

Perhaps Tal had a destiny and that would be the return of the Borg? Or the Maquis. No one knew the future and perhaps Tal would be the first and last Trill to carry the Tal symbote.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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