Chapter 16

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Alun drops me off at Neven's house with the tulips then heads off to meet with Eben. I decide to leave the tulips on the front steps until I can ask which colors Neven's mom wants. I walk inside and run into a maid who says she will inform Neven's mom of the tulips. Since I'm not needed at the hospital garden right now, I figure I can go check out that little park I noticed earlier. Finding it, I start walking around. Spotting a clearing amongst the plants, I sit down and just enjoy the peace and tranquility that surrounds me. Closing my eyes, I realize that I haven't felt this calm in so long that it actually brings tears to my eyes. I think back remembering my childhood before my life was so hectic.

I start to remember my father. He was a tall man, and his hands were rough from working in the shop constantly. He used to tell me stories of my mom so I could remember her even though I didn't have much time with her before she died. He always described her as beautiful and strong. Sometimes I miss those stories even though she was like a distant fairytale to me. Their marriage was perfect, and their love was what made it that way. I always wanted a love like theirs.

My thoughts start to wander and I think back to John and our marriage. I open my eyes and try to blink back the tears that were starting to blur my vision. I gently twirl the borage in between my fingers and smile sadly as the representation of the flower pops into my head.

"What'cha got there?" A deep voice asks as he slowly approaches me.

"Borage," I answer softly as I run my fingertip over the fuzzy stem while looking at the bright blue star petals. "It is used to help heal sadness and bring light into the person's life as they heal from heartache." I reach over and gently touch the green plant next to my knee, "and this is holy basil. It's said to bring balance to someone's heart, body, and mind."

"What's got you sad?" Aaden says as he sits down next to me.

I gently shake my head and take solace in the fact that my hair is masking my face right now, "Just coming to the realization that my husband had different views of our marriage then I did, that's all."

"What makes you say that?" I can tell he's trying to meet my gaze, but I still refuse to look at him.

"The fact that I know he's been too busy with her to even care to look for me or even want to look," I whisper so softly I don't know if he can actually hear me. I clear my throat then start to say something but voices catch my attention.

"You touched her, Neven!"

I look up to see Ally facing Neven. She looks completely heartbroken and Neven looks...I don't know actually.

"What are you talking about, Ally?" He asks.

"Your hand was on her lower back when you were bringing her into the village!" She scoffs and I try to think back to what she was talking about since it was obvious that she was talking about me. "You can't deny it, Neven, I saw it with my own two eyes! You touched her!"

I barely gasp when I remember that he did have his hand on my lower back as we entered the village. I had stopped to look at everything and he put his hand on my back to gently push me to continue walking.

"I touch everyone Ally," he sighs like this whole situation was ridiculous.

"Not like that, Neven," she shook her head. "Not there."

"It's not like that, Ally. She was in distress and I was trying to do my job as a scout. She's a refugee not a mistress."

"And yet look where you are. You didn't come to me to try to diffuse the situation. You went to your mother to try to get the new girl in her good graces. You never tried to do that for me when she and I fought." Ally was clearly distraught and what was originally heartbreak has now skewed more towards anger. Now that she's angry I can tell that she is part bear.

"You don't understand. She's already married!" Neven yells and Ally falls silent. "She's married, Ally. I would never do that and you know it. Do you not trust me?"

She is still clearly angry, and she doesn't look like his words changed much, but without saying a word she walks away, and Neven does not follow.

"Well shit. I think Neven actually pissed her off this time," Aaden sounds like he's joking, but when I look up at his face it's clear he's concerned for his friend. "We should go somewhere else that way it's not salt in the wound when he sees you."

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