Ushijima: Hello

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All his life, Ushijima Wakatoshi has been all by himself. He never knew his parents, he grew up in an orphanage and even with all the children around him, nobody truly stayed by his side. At the age of 5, the olive haired boy knew he was a little different from the other kids, that's why they never liked him but it didn't bother him.

Ushijima always played by himself, he always ate alone, he was always by himself but he was never truly alone. He always felt like someone was always watching him but he never found who it was. The boy never really liked any attention but the eyes on him felt pleasant for some reason and he liked it but one day, it stopped.

5 years had passed and Wakatoshi was now 10 and the boy stood in front of a happy married couple who smiled at him; today was the day he was going to be adopted. The boy went up to his room and started packing his clothes. He stopped when he felt familiar eyes on him, he turned around but no one was there. He smiled.

"I'll be taking my leave now..." He continued packing. "I don't know what happened to you but it's nice that you're here again." And with that, he left.

More years had gone by in a flash and Wakatoshi had finally started living on his own as he started college. Not much had changed with him but at least he made some few friends in his university. He was still a quiet young man who enjoyed the time he had alone. With his friends, family, studies and part time job, he was happy and content that he had mostly forgotten the life he had before all this.

After a tiring day in class and slipping at practice, he went home and walked around his apartment while eating a sandwich; a small piece at the end of it dropped and he unconsciously kicked it under the fridge but he was too tired to pick it up and decided to just clean it up tomorrow. As he sleepily started to walk away, he heard a very quiet "Thank you!" from under it.

"No problem," He says, the words passing out of his mouth on autopilot, before his brain engages and he freezes.

He turns, and looks at the fridge. It seems to be the same fridge that was there when he moved in. He felt kind of embarrassed. He never does that, he knows that's how you get roaches, but his back hurts so bad that getting up and down is next to impossible, much less bending over.

"Um, are you holding up okay down there?" He asked.

But there was only silence.

"I know that we're probably the only apartment in the building that doesn't have a bug problem. That's, well, that's you, right?" Again, silence. But he was certain that he heard it.

"Listen, I can't really bend over right now, but if you're down there and hungry, like, there's half a pork cutlet in there that's about to go bad. I was going to throw it away, but if you could, use it."

"YeeEsSsss. Please."

It finally answered, Wakatoshi was still a little in disbelief but nonetheless, wasn't scared.

Well. Whatever it is, it's well-mannered, anyway.

The tall male set his sandwich down and went back and opened the package of questionable pork. "Honestly, it might be a little off. Can you still eat it? I've got..."

"I eEat."

"Okay. Bones too?"


UshiTen//: HelloWhere stories live. Discover now