Chapter 4

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Here I finally am, Lorraine thought as she stepped into a cast iron claw footed tub, one of which she have always secretly wanted.

As it turned out, she and Jonathan have been staying in this house for four days. Four days in which she had been ill, thrashing about in a stranger's bed, in an unknown place while slipping in and out of consciousness, and sweating like a pig. In front of perfect strangers.

She was grateful beyond explanation for this family that took them in. The Eaves were truly a blessing, helping the two siblings instead of turning them away.

As she thought about these amazing people, she noticed that this home and its family members look like they belong in a different time period altogether. Actually, every thing here seems to belong in the 1950's. Like time just... stopped. But she quickly dismissed the bizzare thoughts which plagued her mind.

But still, she focused on this family which took them in. They all had the same black hair and facial features, but different yet somewhat similar shades of blue eyes.

Lorraine distinctly felt the notion that Ethel ran the show of this family. She was the only female- that she knew of that is- in this family. She was strong, sensual, and could probably crack a few skulls is she wanted to.

Compared to the extremely tall males in the family she was rather small and petite, but as soon as she was alone you could see she was the opposite of fragile. While she did have a bit of a bigger build, her figure was still feminine. And while most women were in charge discretely, Ethel was the front line of the family, and everybody knew it.

The men of the family were a different story... There was Charles, the quiet father. And though he seemed a little distant, it was obvious that he had a soft spot for his family.

While she's been here, he's said only a handful of words to her, but she felt as if he approved of her. Which she was most grateful for.

Casey, on the other hand, he was sweet and doting, couldn't hurt a fly. He seemed to be happy in general, but there was something in his eyes that told a different story. He and Jonathan had connected somehow and had grown quite close the past few days. Casey appeared to take a genuine liking to Jonathan, and vice versa.

Ethel told Lorraine this morning that her dear little brother had been following Casey around like a lost puppy the past few days.

And then there was Leslie. He was clearly intelligent. But he was also quiet, seemingly uninterested in most things, mature, and from her short experience here he appears to have quite the ego. A typical doctor.

The two brothers had drastically different body types, Casey was a big, burly man who could probably squeeze you to death with a hug, and Leslie by contrast, was rather slender.
And his eyes, god, his eyes. They were probably the most beautiful shade of blue eyes that Lorraine has ever seen in her entire life.

When she finished her quasi character analysis, she realized that it was about time to get out of the tub. She put on the heavy, green robe that Ethel let her borrow, and then started towards the room that she was currently staying in.

As she entered the room, the young girl came to an utter stop. Leslie was in the room laying some heap of fabric on the bed.

He must have noticed her standing in the doorway like a complete idiot because even before he fully turned around he addressed her monotonously, "My mother had me bring these for you to sleep in tonight."

"Oh, thank you." Lorraine replied bushing slightly. It wasn't everyday that an attractive male brings you pajamas, or anything, really, she thought. "Um, do you happen to know where Jonathan is?" She added meekly after a moment of awkward silence.

"Hmm?" He began absentmindedly while watching the beautiful girl before him, "Oh, he's most likely with Casey. So, possibly his bedroom, I would think. His bedroom is at the end of the hall by the way." He quickly tacked on.

"Oh, well, thank you again, Leslie." She nodded her head, still blushing as she turned to leave the room to seek out her little brother. With him trailing behind her.

Hey! So getting this chapter up was an adventure! Parts kept deleting, and then somehow when it was ready to be published, the entire chapter somehow moved in between chapters 1 and 2! But now it's up. So hope you enjoyed it! Please leave comments!

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