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it was pouring. it had been for a few hours at least, and it didn't seem to be letting up soon. you had a special fondness for scenes the rainwater created. sitting in your small living room, near a slightly open window to smell the wet air. different colours of string lights hang near the ceiling and tv, creating a gentle colour palette for whatever had come up on youtube autoplay. you kept the volume low, not wanting to cover the sound of the rain. there was a rustling sound in the bushes near the aforementioned window, but you tried not to dwell on it too hard. there were plenty of animals seeking shelter from this onslaught of rain.

although, strangely, a few minutes later there was scratching at the door. you must be imagining it. from years of having pets in the past, you sometimes forget you don't have any right now. yeah, that's definitely it. until you hear the scratching again, but harder this time, a bit more desperate. okay, this was fine. at worst, its probably a hungry raccoon trying to take advantage of your kindness (of which you would spoil without hesitation) so it couldn't hurt to look. the nonstop rhythmic scratching breaks you out of your hypothetical problem solving. you go to open the door, confident of what is probably behind it, only for your heart to sink to your ass.

sitting in front of you, was a long, sopping wet man. yes, long, his limbs seemed to be never ending. he was sitting on his knees with his legs splayed, hands up slightly, as he had just been scratching for the life of him. he lowers his hands, with freakishly long claw-like nails, you note, and stares up at you. giant brown eyes and- weird pupils. almost cat-like? they were blown out wide in the dark, so it was hard to tell. now that you look at him a bit harder, are those cat ears? they're pinned back to his head, he looks so sad. you realise you've just been staring at each other, and tried push yourself to speak. obviously he needed help. wait is he naked? no, no, hes got shorts on, but why is he so bare out in the rain? you wanted to help him, but you had to be rational. this was a random, full grown, cat-like man. you had no idea where he came from or what he even was. "can i...can i help you?" you questioned, uncertain of yourself.

as you started to speak, his ears twitched, perking up slightly. he stays sitting, cowering, and starts to reply. "you'll help me?" he replies, and you notice he tilts his head slightly while asking. god damnit. its like he knew about your soft spot for cats, and his very cute face certainly wasn't helping.

you have to make a decision. shut the door, not deal with this weird fantasy situation, or help him. let him in, get him dry and warm, maybe figure out what the fuck his deal was. you didnt have much going on in your life right now anyway, so fuck it, why not.

you step away from the doorway, bringing the door with you to gesture him in. he seems almost confused by the action, so you speak, "you can come in, i'll get you a towel," you look directly at him while talking, and his ears perk up immediately. his eyes look hopeful and he doesn't take them off of you as he stands to almost full height. sweet christ, he was tall. easily 6'4 while slouching as he is, and you were almost scared to see him stand up straight. it was certainly different to the tiny vibes he puts out previously.

he can see the small apprehension in your eyes, and attempts to quell your anxieties, "i promise im not a murderer," he chatters out, a breeze of cold wet air brushing past him. that was definitely not the right thing to say, but you don't immediately slam the door in his face, so that's good.

your eyes are wide and vaguely uneasy, and you let out a nervous chuckle in response. "yeah, for sure," you breathe out and wait for him to enter your home. you're seriously not sure why you're allowing this to continue, maybe a complete lack of self preservation. you had been very bored before he showed up, and this was a lot more entertaining than staring off into space. if you were being completely honest, you didn't really care if you died anyway. not that you were suicidal right now, though you had been in the past. maybe you should go back to therapy.

im in love with a catboy (wilbur soot x reader)Where stories live. Discover now