Chapter 6: A game plan with arcade breaks.

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Plain - narrating


''Italic '' - thoughts

"Quotation marks" - talking

"Bold" - Jin talking

"Underlined" - Yin talking

(A/n: Have another song lol)


Otto's POV:

"Woah woah woah hold on...You have something against the Monkey king and his successor too?" Asked macaque. I nodded "Well it's a long story but let me break it down real quick. I was actually meant to be Wukong's first successor until

I heard him talk about me behind my back and I lost control of my powers so he ended up locking me away underneath his home." He seemed surprised after I told him this but then he just nodded in understanding. "What did he do to you?" "Betrayal." "Jeez, how many people did he betray?"

Macaque just shrugs. I sigh then look at yin & jin. They mentioned something with a calabash.I don't even know what the heck that is but I'll ask them about it later or never.

"Ok so, the other reason I have brought you all here is to ask you all a favor. I was wondering if any of you would like to team up & help me get revenge on Wukong and get the staff from the boy so I can show Wukong that I could've been a better successor at all time."

I looked at them and they all seemed to think about it. ' 'I just hope they say yes or else I'm just gonna have to do this on my own with the spicy tamale.' ' "Sure I guess I'll help ya sport, just don't erase me from existence." I cocked an eyebrow, confused on what he meant but I decided to just let it slide and nodded my head in agreement.

"What about you two? Will you help me out or are you guys just gonna keep goofing off?" I look towards both the demons who seem to be bickering about something before turning their attention to me. "Sure we'll help ya out!" "But you have to be the one thinking of a good plan. Because last time Yin and I tried to get the boy our plans kept failing"

I seemed annoyed about what he just said but I just smiled in understandment. I stood in front of them with a type of Sargent posture.

"Ok so now that introductions and rules have been settled. The first thing we need to do is train. We won't know if our enemies have gotten stronger over the days, months heck maybe even years. If we want to defeat them then we have to be tougher and go over strategies for our attacks. Along with knowing most of opponents weaknesses that way we can make them weaker. All of this only requires three things."

"Guts, Stamina, Strength, and a clear mindset. It doesn't matter if you have no powers or something stronger to help us, all you have to do is take advantage of the opponent and show them what you are made of. If you fall to the ground due to getting hit by your target you're fighting, get back up and stand your ground, do not show them weakness."

"If they don't want to deal with us, we'll have to finish what they started. Lastly don't let their remarks or bad comments get to you. You are the one that needs to take advantage not the person you're up against. Make them weaker and defenseless. With all these things you will be able to win this fight that is yet to come later in the future. So let us begin,"

I stated while summoning my chains that appeared behind me, my eyes glowing a black smoky color that is the same as the chains. "Now, show me what you got." I smirked as I saw them getting into a fight position. Ready to train.

Mk's POV:

Jeez when we all agreed "We have to train to get stronger before our new enemy arrives." I didn't think we'd train this intensely. We're all lying on the floor exhausted, too tired to get back up. "C'mon guys! Just a couple of more hours and we should be good to go." Said monkey king. I look up and see him sitting on his magic cloud, just like us he was sweating and what he was eating..Peach chips?.

Monkey king must have been tired like the rest of us but he didn't seem to care. "But Monkey king," Mei chimed in with a whiny tone. "We have been training for the past 5 hours.

Can we just get a 1 hour break, pleaseee?!" She begged to give him puppy dog eyes, not even a second later I joined her, to be honest a break would be nice right now. "Ugh fine, all of you go and take your 1 hour break." "Yes, thanks Monkey king!" "No problem bud, just be sure to get something to eat and come back here in an hour so I can give you guys some motivational advice. "We will!" That's when Mei and I ran off to go to the arcade. While heading there I still question something.

' 'Why did Monkey King do that to his last successor? ...Will I end up like them? Being locked away for all eternity by the person I trusted the most due to something dangerous that probably wasn't on purpose?' ' "Uhm Mk? Earth to Mk!!" I jumped a little when I saw Mei close to my face. "Huh, what happened?" Mei backed away before speaking again. We're at the arcade silly!" "Wait we are?"

I look up to see that we are actually standing in front of the arcade. ' 'Was I really spaced out that long while we were walking?' ' I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Let's get inside and play some games!!!" I shouted while running inside! Mei ran a few seconds after and we started to hang out and play some video games. Since the music was kinda boring I decided to summon Porty Mk so I yanked out a piece of my hair and blew on it which made my porty clone appear.

But before I was gonna let him go we both had a conversation about no more threatening people to party all night and no more tying Mei in some type of giant claw machine. He complained a few times but agreed anyway, so he went to the speakers and played some tunes. Mei and I played some games, danced, and even won some cool prizes that we probably might not need or use.

That's when we decided to head back to where monkey king told us to give everyone some motivational advice before our new rival arrives. To be honest they looked cool at first but I'm just scared about how strong they'll be since they've been training with the monkey king for who knows how long? Or what if they were training while being locked away all these years.

I gulped before going back to listening to Mei who's just rambling about Puppy videos. But I'm still questioning myself about two things.



Anyways I hope you like this chapter, and I will be working on the next one. Please be patient with me it takes a while to write a story and focus on school at the same time.

Till we meet again my darlings~<33

(Word count: 1271)


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