Chapter 31: Revelations

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"M-Master Windu? G-Good evening," she shivered, turning around.

"Come. I must talk with you," he ordered.

"Y-Yes, Master," she stuttered, jumping to his side. She waved Caleb off, turning to face Master Windu.

"Tell me exactly what happened during the Siege of Mandalore."

"I-I can only give you m-my perspective on the matter. Um, M-Mandalore, right. Lady Bo-Katan, Master Skywalker, Caleb Dume and I invaded the-the Palace, where Almec and Gar S-Saxon were. Anakin and I captured Almec while Bo-Katan d-dealt with Saxon. Anakin and I led clone teams into the s-sewer systems to search for Maul. Caleb and I f-found Maul and I went in after him. Caleb ran af-after me and was kidnapped. I-I'm sorry, I don't remember much. I had a terrible panic attack. You'll have to get most of the report from Anakin or Caleb." A large shiver jolted up her back.

"Quite alright. Please continue," he said. His voice was harsh, and she jumped to follow orders.

"Y-Yes, Master. Uh, Bo-Katan, Captain Rex and I stormed the Palace Throne Room where Maul was. Rex took Caleb to the medbay and Bo-Katan handled things outside. I-I defeated Maul and we f-froze him in ca-carbonite. Bo-Katan took the th-throne and w-we left."

"That is all?" Master Windu asked.

"Y-Yes, Master Windu," she sheepishly said. She felt her heart beat faster and faster with every step. She felt shivers all throughout her body and knew what was coming.

"I-I'm really sorry, Master Windu. I-I have to go," she said, trying to walk away.

"I don't think you do," he said, catching her arm. She froze and fear drenched her in a cold sweat.

"M-Master W-Windu, I-I really have to go!"


"I-I-I'm s-sorry! I ca-can't stop it!" she said, breathing faster and faster. Silent tears streamed down her face as she felt everything close in around her. Ahsoka couldn't stop herself. She yanked her arm free and dropped to the floor. She started to hyperventilate, feeling her heart beat out of her chest. Footsteps came pounding their way.

"Ahsoka? Master Windu, what happened?" Obi-Wan asked, kneeling to her side. Ahsoka heaved faster and faster, trying to talk. Only ugly hisses and sobs escaped Ahsoka.

"She was giving me her mission report from Mandalore. She dropped to the floor and..." he gestured to her.

"She's been having terrible panic attacks since her barring." He sat down and flipped her hood up.

"I had no idea," Master Windu said.

"She's only mentioned it in every meeting she's had with anyone. We have to go now before it gets any worse. Sorry, Master." Obi-Wan helped Ahsoka up and helped her away.

"I...I...I..." she tried. Deeper snarling followed.

"It's okay, Ahsoka. It's okay," Obi-Wan comforted.

"I...I don't know...why he...he..." she tried again.

"Me neither. It's over now, Soka," he soothed. "Look, there's Caleb now."

"C...Caleb?" she repeated. "N-N-No, I-I can't, he...he," she sobbed.

"Do you want me to take you to him?" Obi-Wan asked.

"N-No, I-I need R-R7, she-she..." a massive sob escaped her and she fell limp in Obi-Wan's arms.

"Stay with me, Soka. Stay with me," he whispered.

"Master? What happened?" Caleb ran up to them.

"I can't explain. Ahsoka will later. Just get R7, I left her in Anakin's room. Get to the medical bay," he said, repositioning Ahsoka to carry her.

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