Chapter 3

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(Another day another chapter and a drawing of Shell!)

The tour isn't really going well at all. What little Shell is saying is barely anything of use and is somewhat rude, snarky, or sarcastic, but at least she's doing better than Blackout who isn't even talking.

 "So any questions?" Shell asks as the group stops in front of a door. Annoyance written all over her faceplate.

 Quake begins to raise his servo as an indication he has a question. In response Shell quickly shines a light at him.

"Gah!" Quake exclaims. Shocked by this act that had so suddenly hit his optics.

 "Anyone else?" She asks as she holds up her servo she flashed him with. Spikegrin and Speedcharger don't say anything and quickly shake their helms, "Ok, good because I have some for you."

 "Like what?" Quake asks. He gets his optics flashed again, "Gah!"

 "Why did you three get sent to this scrap heap?" She asks.

 "Because we were chosen for are above average skills!" Speedcharger answers\suggests with enthusiasm.

Shell stares at him for a minute, before bursting out laughing, "Hear that Blackout?" She says between the laughs as she elbows him playfully, "They seem to actually believe Costor's slag!"

 "So it seems." Blackout agrees shocking Speedcharger a bit for this is his first time talking on this whole entire tour.

 "What do you mean by that?" Speedcharger asks.

Shell stares at him as she brings up one of her servos causing Speedcharger to tense up as he prepares to get flashed, but she takes down her servo. "Because you're here." She answers simply, "And anyone here means that there's something wrong with us and we were sent here so we don't get in the way."

 "What?" Speedcharger asks absolutely taken aback by this.

 "Want to be blinded or not?" She retorts as she brings up her servo again.

Speedcharger quickly shakes his helm to indicate no. Shell seems to ponder it before giving a quick look over to Blackout and he returns the look. She rolls her optics but puts her servo down anyway.

 "Look kid you don't have to believe me, but it's the truth." She says as Blackout nods in agreement, "Anyways that's the end of the tour." She says apathetically as she takes a slight step back.

They're confused by this. She didn't really show them anything, but they don't want to point that out, considering what happened when they did ask a question last time.

They now just stare at each other in silence.

 "Ok let's go back to the start so that you can be told how" important" we are," Shell says suddenly as she begins walking back.

The three recruits stare at each other for a second as they're confused about how quickly that turned.

 "Come on," Blackout says as he follows behind her. The three stare at each other before following. They don't want to get lost after all, and with that decent-at-best tour, they still don't have a good idea of this place after all.

 "So... How are you?" Speedcharger asks suddenly. He wants to make a better impression on them and wants to be seen as less annoying or a burden. This is his chance to redeem himself a bit.

Blackout and Shell both barely look at him, but they both respond around the same time.

 "Fine," Blackout says.

 "Have been better," Shell says, "What did I say about asking questions?"

 Speedcharger quickly quiets, but quickly adds, "Well that's better than being bad." He chuckles a bit and swings his arm back and forth while looking at them, but he quickly stops and quiets down as they both just stare at him. Shell eventually rolls her optics and Blackout just looks forward again. He's glad.

They walk the rest of the way in silence.

 "How were the tour, recruits?" Starshot asks with a smile.

 "It happened," Spikegrin says simply. Quake nods his helm in slight agreement. Speedcharger just decides to stay quiet.

 His smile barely falters, "Ok!" He says, "Do you want me to teach you what we do here?" He gets a response from the recruits all around the same time.

 "Sure." Spikegrin shrugs.

 "Yeah!" Speedcharger says.

 "Ok!" Quake answers.

 "Let's go then!" He says, "You start walking in that direction. I have to quickly do something." He says pointing in the direction he wants. His smile a bit off, but all the recruits go in that direction. Speedcharger has the most enthusiasm in his step.

(Hope you enjoyed and have a good day or night!)

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