10. misunderstanding

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She felt more attention than usual as she felt the tension grow the closer she got to her locker. Expecting Remi to greet her calmly like she usually does, Remi almost pounced at the poor confused girl.

"AIRA LOVE." She shook her friend's shoulder aggressively.

"YeahHhhhHH?" The shaking of her body made her voice unstable as well.

"Are you dating Riki Nishimura?" She whispered-shouted as if it was going to help settle the attention Remi gathered even more. Perhaps shaking your friend aggressively first thing in the morning was not the wisest idea.

Aira took a hot second to understand the 5 words until her eyes instantly widened in shock. "WHAT? NO!" she accidentally yelled out too loudly.

"Oh." Remi's instant change of expression was too obvious, it always killed the mood.

"Wait why? I am so confused." Aira asked.

"Why are you confused? Riki posted you on his story. He doesn't usually post at all and oh my god YOU WERE OUT WITH HIM? TO GET BINGSU?" and Remi was back at it again.

"Huh?? It was just a hangout because he was free. As for the story...wait actually i don't know why he posted that story." Aira scrunched her nose, trying to figure out the mystery herself.

"Hey, you can tell me if you two are really dating..." Remi went back to the topic.

What more could she do? Feeling almost overwhelmed by the amount of attention, the situation had called for help.

"My bad." Riki's voice came out of nowhere. His presence alone was already attracting the attention of students in the surrounding.

"Hey, Nishimura...are you and Aira dating." Remi's shameless question drove Aira to the peak of embarrassment.

"Yeah...we are." Riki matched her energy so well that for a second, Remi really believed him. "No, we're not dating. I forgot how people make assumptions based on what they see so easily." He sighed and took out his phone.

As the bell rang, Aira was confused about the direction he was heading to. "Where are you going Nishimura?"

"To the rooftop. I'm too tired to attend class. Later." He shrugged and walked off.


Thinking people were going to glare and pounce her the way Remi did, she was yet again, bewildered by the sudden change of atmosphere. What a morning Aira was having. Classmates and casual friends walked up to her with their phones out and face that hinted at nosiness.

"Aira~ I really thought you and Nishimura were dating."

"I'm so envious of you but good for you for being his friend."

"I guess being new has its perks. I've been his classmate for 3 years and he's only ever spoken to me a few times."

"Ahh i really thought he was going to date again."

"Wait now that i think about it. Aira does kind of look like her."

When the class had started, she secretly checked her SNS to realise Riki had posted another story. Showing the number of minutes it was posted ago, she had come to the conclusion that it was when he was speaking to Remi and her.

<- not dating.

She was glad the misunderstanding was cleared up but she couldn't help and wonder for the rest of the day about her previous classmate's comment.

Date again?


To whom were they referring?

people pleaser | nishimura rikiWhere stories live. Discover now