Chapter 1

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"Bye Henry see you in a few weeks!" A 23-year-old woman shouted. "You too! have a nice vacation, Josephine!" Henry shouted back. It had been 14 years since the incident in 1st grade. Josephine moved into her own flat in New York and started working in an office. She became a normal young adult, except that she always wore long clothes and gloves. When someone asked her about her purple hair, she just said that it was colored.

Josephine was going on a vacation in a few days for three weeks, visiting her mother in England.

After her shift, she went home and straight to bed. That night she had a strange dream. Josephine was standing on a big field, there were no trees and no gras. It looked like a battlefield. A few miles away she saw big mountains. As she looked closer, she saw that these mountains weren't mountains, they were volcanos, big fire- and lava spewing volcanos. It was hot and hard to breath.

Josephine looked around and saw an army walking towards her, but it wasn't only people coming towards her. Above the humans, we're gigantic flying dragons. As they came closer, Josephine got a better look at them. They had the colors of Fire, one was burning red, the other one orange-red and the others had similar scales. The dragons were wearing armor that covered their stomach and some kind of helmet, that covered their head and snout. All of them had scars on their body. One had a big scar right across its face and another one had hole in his wing. The humans underneath them were wearing a similar armor and had scars all over their bodies, but the people didn't completely look human. One side of their bodies was always covered in scales, like the dragons over their heads and hair in the same color. When they were only a few meters away from Josephine, she noticed that there was a woman walking in front of the army.

She had dark red hair, which was tied into a ponytail on the back of her head. The woman was wearing a cape and a short t-shirt that didn't cover her belly. It was completely black and so were her pants. Both, her T-shirt, and her pants were skin-tight, and the pants had pockets on each side. Josephine looked closer she saw that the woman had knives in these pockets. But the thing Josephine noticed first was the huge great sword on the back of the woman. Infront of the sword there were wings, big dark red wings and again, one side of the woman's body was covered in scales. The woman had not only wings, but Josephine also noticed that she had horns. Her horns seemed very pointy and harmful. She was wearing an eyepatch on the right side of her face, which also had the colors of fire. The woman had bandages all over her body, so Josephine guest that she must have already fought a few times. The army was approaching Josephine, fast and they looked quite serious, so she started running the other way. After a few meters however, Josephine stopped, because she saw another army coming towards her.

This army also had dragons flying over them, but they didn't have a good armor. It was only one real part of armor on each one of them. Only a few of them had armor over their stomach and the humans only wore helmets and only a few had full protection. Infront of this army there was a man. He seemed to be excited to go to war. The man also had flaming red hair with horns coming out of his head, but one of them was broken. He was wearing an open red jacket with its arms ripped off, wide dark red pants and pirate boots. His wings had so many scars and holes, Josephine wasn't even sure if he was able to fly with them anymore. When he came closer Josephine saw that not only had his wings many scars but his body as well. There were big scars and cuts all over his stomach and on his face. Infront of his big wings, Josephine was able to see two sabers. He had flaming red eyes and he looked straight at her and seemed mad, so Josephine decided to run away from him. But she didn't get far because behind her was the woman. When they got close the army's stopped and their leaders walked towards each other. Now they were standing across from one another with Josephine in the middle.

"You can't just come here with an army of exiles. You are not welcome here anymore Barid." The woman said harshly. "Oh, but princess Lydia I am your humble servant and I'm just here to see my family." The man, now known as Barid, answered, and put on a sad face. "You killed your family and joined the fifth kingdom, the punishment for that is death." The woman, now known as Princess Lydia, said while getting angry.

Josephine was shocked, he had killed his family?! How could someone do that? "They were traitors to the pure blood. They wanted the creatures of the dimensions to live in peace, but the human race should be made extinct! They did not deserve to live!" Barid shouted with rage in his eyes. He seemed furious.

"Fine so be it. You will die by the sword of a servant to the gods." Princess Lydia said, turned around and towards her army. Barid just stood there a few seconds, but then he started running after Lydia. While running he grabbed one of his sabers and jumped towards Lydia. Josephine had only listened and stood still, but when she saw Barid running after Lydia she ran after him. "Watch out!" She shouted, but Lydia didn't seem to hear her, and Barid went in for the kill.

A/n: Anyone reading this if not: Hi. Again.

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