Chapter 1 the shadow

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Btw your 19

As you wake up you slowly realize what day it it is it was October 30th you walk to your closet you look through your clothes to see that you barley have any you walk into your hallway as you walked in your hallway you heard something you though it was your roomate so you didn't mind it that much but then you realized you don't have a roommate  you slowly walk towards the sound it was comming from your basement you decide that it's not that important  so you go to your kitchen to get breakfast you look in your fridge.there was barley any food in there so you decide to just eat cereal you get the milk out of the fridge the you get a bowl you look in the pantry for your cereal you couldn't find any so you check to see what time it is the closest store opens  at 1:00 in the after noon it was 12:01 so it didn't open yet you get in your car to drive there you start the car to go to the store you start driving traffic wasn't that bad but as you start driving your friend texted you saying

"Heyyy I'm throwing a holloween party with the group wanna come?"

You see a sign that says "no cell phone use" so you put your phone away and realize that the light was red you were about to hit a car so you slam your breaks causing the car behind you to stop you checked the time again to see that it was 12:30 you texted your friend back saying
"Hey I would love to come what day I'm free tonight!and tomorrow is Halloween." You see a gas station and realize your low on gas so you drive there and Get gas you see an old friend inside the gas station store you go on to say hi she stares at you for a long time then realizes who you are
"Ohhhhh heyyyy y/n how are you it's been so long"
You think "Crap I forgot her name"
"Ohh hiiii nice to see you" after you said that  y'all kinda just stare at each other
"Ok well um bye" you said you walked back to your car and drove to the store once you got there you bought cereal and more food and clothes  including a Halloween costume you go to pay once you pay you drive back home you open the door and hear a strange sound coming from your basement again you decide to ignore it so you make cereal but you hear banging you think your just hearing things you look to see what time it is and realize it's lunch you put the milk and cereal and bowl back you get out some bread and put it in the toaster oven.

(I'm lazy ok -_-)

5 hours later
"Hey where do we meet?"
"At my house"
You get ready to leave but right when your about to leave you hear something come out of the basement you open the door to go to your car then the door randomly shuts you get scared and leave you look In your house window and see a shadow coming towards the door you run to your car to start it you start driving as you look back not seeing the car in front of you you slam your breaks fast enough to where you didn't hit the car they didn't seem to mine so you kept driving you drive to your friends neighbor hood and knock on her door the lights are off and nobody  answers so you look at your phone to see what the address was it was the right address so you thought it might be the wrong neighborhood so you text your friend
"My address is #### ## ### ##"
"Ohhhh ok"
"What neighborhood"
"Ok thanks"
You checked what neighborhood the was and it was the one she said so you decide to knock again and nobody answers the door wasn't locked so you thought it might be her house you go inside and nobody's there you turn on your phone flashlight and see somebody just standing there you know that it isn't her house so you run out and get back into your car and drive back to your house you remember that you saw something there too so you go to a store and text your friend
"Hey I went to the address and I don't think it was your house"
"Really hmm let me check"
"Right sorry here's the address"
You start driving to the address and once you get there you see that she's there
You knew it was the right house so you went inside but you realize you forgot a costume you thought it was fine so you go inside and get some food everybody's started at you you start to know that you walked into somebody else's party on accident your friends just stares at you in embarrassment so you start to run to her but you forgot that it was a street up you see a car about to hit you and

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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