{Medalist} v

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Garbled airplane noises, accompanied by bubbly toddler giggles, fill up the kitchen. Twice the airplane swooshes through to deliver a helping of blueberry pancakes to the roaring and laughing Godzilla impersonator in the booster seat. And then the train chugs through with the essential delivery of milk.

"'Zilla more pancakes!" The almost four year old beats on her chest.

Y/N glances back from pouring her boyfriend's coffee into the travel cup. Harry blows another exaggerated airplane noise through his lips while dramatically journeying a bright yellow fork toward Georgia's face.

At least it's a peaceful day to fly. Yesterday, Miss Godzilla-Georgia had decided the airplanes carrying strawberry yogurt were doomed to never reach their destinations. Poor Harry'd had to be late for work just to change out of a yogurt stained shirt.

"Hey, Godzilla Girl," Y/N screws the lid onto Harry's travel mug and slides it across the bar, "backpack and shoes." She nods her head in the direction of the mudroom down the hall.

Georgia accepts one last bite of pancake before she slips down from her booster seat and scurries down the hall. Harry discards the fork and gets up from the table.

"Pancakes were delicious, baby. C'mere." Though beckoning, he crosses the space from the table to behind the kitchen island and wraps his arms around her waist. Their lips meet briefly before Harry nudges his nose into her hairline. "Miss waking up to you in the mornings. Can't yoga wait 'til the evenings?"

Y/N shakes her head as he pouts into her temple. "Then you'd just complain that you miss soaking in the hot tub with me."

"I like waking up to you more than being in the hot tub with you." He grumbles, hands dancing dangerously close to the waistline of her shorts. "Miss feelin' you against me, miss the way you sigh in your sleep when I put my hands-."


Harry is the one that forgets to bite back the audible groan as his daughter prances back into the room. Y/N smiles, kissing the bridge of his nose and pushing him away. Georgia indeed has her backpack and shoes on, but has not shed her Godzilla costume.

"George-." She sighs, not ready enough to do this battle for the third day in a row.

"Not takin' off!" With age, the toddler grows more obstinate. As she grows taller, her attitude becomes more stubborn. "'Zilla Girl!"

"Georgie, you know you can't wear Godzilla to school..." Harry says gently. "You and Y/N picked out your outfit last night, remember? You were so excited. Today's picture day."

"Go'zilla." Georgia crosses her costumed arms over her chest, staring them both down.

Harry and Y/N look at each other. It's nearing 7:40, which means it's definitely time to leave. Which also means if they pick this battle to fight today, they're both most definitely going to be late to work and Georgia will be late to school. Again.

For three weeks, they've been waging the Godzilla war. Georgia is in the height of her obsessive stage and for almost the past month, it has been all things Godzilla. Neither of them is exactly sure where she picked it up, but she isn't letting it go anytime soon.

She was late on Monday because they had to fight and fight over her taking the costume off for school. Tuesday was slightly better but she'd had to be told four times to go put on her school clothes. Wednesday was a knock-down drag-out explosion (where Harry wound up covered in pink yogurt, Georgia cried the entire way to school, and Y/N seriously considered getting her tubes tied). And today...well, today is picture day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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