Section A - Barn

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Rebeca began walking around the Barn. "Ugh, how am I supposed to get anything done. It's so dark in here, maybe if I..."

Rebeca grabbed the candle that was on the wooden table and started using it as a light. "That's much better, I don't have much time, So I should hurry up and find my way out of here." As Rebeca began looking around, her eye caught onto something that appeared to be on a small wooden shelf stuck to the wall, where she woke up. 

"what's this on the wall?" She grabbed a strange item. it had a cylinder shape with an end that seemed as a mushroom cap. " this?" she asked confused. (click) "Oh god, what just.. huh, there is a light coming out of the top? What kind of light source is this? She accidentally pressed a small button that was on the Item. As she used the light of the candle to continue examining the Item, she noticed a metal plate was on it. "There is a plate? what does it say, FTM-model 5? what does FTM stand for, and what does it mean model 5? This is rather strange but it works better than the candle, so If this isn't dangerous, which I hope it isn't, I'll be using this instead" Rebeca put the candle back on top of the table and started using the FTM instead.

While walking around she found a big barrel filled with a green liquid with a slight glow, hidden among the other barrels, she also found an old staircase that led to an upper floor with shelves that had tools on them along with more tools scattered across the ground, more hay and what seemed to be a safe.

"Is that a safe?". Rebeca said as she proceeded to walk towards it, resting on top the safe she found a notebook with the words, to help you solve the puzzles, written on it. 

"To help me solve the puzzles huh and there is a pencil stuck to it, guess whoever gave this to me, wanted me to use it so the puzzle solving could become a little easier. I appreciate the kindness, o mystery person".

"So far I found a vat of a strange glowing liquid on the first floor,  A bunch of tools such as shovels, hoes, just equipment you would expect to be on a farm and a locked safe on the second floor, The safe appears to have a turning lock that requires the correct rotation to open it. The code must be somewhere here". 

After writing that down  Rebeca looked around and found a tool that was composed of a long chain as the rod and a claw at the head which she could adjust using a small turning knob that she found on the side of claw. After noting down what she found, she returned to the first floor to continue looking around and passed by the vat of liquid.

"This liquid, It's not water I can tell that by the very least, what is it? should I'm not stupid enough to stick my hand into it, maybe if I used one of those tools on the second floor..." Rebeca  went back to the second floor, grabbed one of the tools and returned to the vat. She dipped the tool into the acid and pulled it back out, The metal and wood had started to dissolve, the wood was more dissolved than the metal. She wrote down in the notebook "Vat of dissolving liquid, wood dissolves faster than metal".

After walking around for a bit longer, she decided to start rummaging in the hay in hopes of finding something that can help her. A while of searching had passed until she found what appeared to be a bottle incased in metal, after noting it down in the notebook, she remembered about the metal claw, she saw on the second floor.  

She went back up, grabbed the claw tool and adjusted it to hold the metal incased bottle and took it to the vat of strange liquid, she dipped it in the liquid and after waiting for a bit, she pulled it back out only to find that the metal had dissolved and what was left was a glass bottle with a note inside, she broke the bottle on the floor and grabbed the note, which had a code written on it, she tried the code on the safe and the safe unlocked, inside she found a key.

"hm a key let me go see if this works on the door I saw". Rebeca returned to the first floor and went to the door, The key had fit, she turned it and the door unlocked, she turned the handle and the door opened. All she saw was a glowing white hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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