8:26 am

18 0 0

"I never see you jumping out of bed that bright and early for me! Even on my birthday, you slept past 1!"
"Don't even try to act like it's because you have a job or some dumb shit. Don't even fucking try!"
"So you've been getting up to see her for how many weeks? And you still haven't asked her out? Grow a pair and get on with it!"

Conrad just rolled his eyes and let the teasing roll right off his back. The incessant teasing never stopped him from waking up early and talking to Alice, even if it never paid off.

Until that week.

Alice was running late. She was never late in the past, as she would roll out of bed, brush her teeth, and hit the road. That has since changed. She now sprang out of bed at 7:15, washed her face, brushed her teeth, put on a tiny bit of makeup, put on a cuter outfit than her usual ink stained sweatshirts, and then she was out the door. On a good day, she might even brush her hair. Of course, she would never admit that these things had even changed, she'd even go as far to deny outright that she was wearing mascara. Susie and Mamie simply didn't believe her. They both knew that Alice had inevitably run into that hot ass Fisher boy.

This particular day was not a good day. Alice almost burst into flames when she saw her alarm clock shining at her in bright red numbers.

8:26. Fuck.

She jumped out of bed as fast as she could and scrambled to find any acceptable outfit from the clothes strewn all over the floor. She slipped on a t-shirt and jean shorts as she bent down to grab her tote bag with her art supplies. Alice grabbed her toothbrush, slapped some toothpaste on it, and brushed her teeth as she basically fell down the stairs.

"Jesus Christ, you look like you got hit by a semi."
"You look like you have rabies."
"To go fuck Conrad. We know."
"Mamie shut the fuck up."

Alice spit out her toothpaste into the kitchen sink where Susie and Mamie sat at the island, verbally abusing her. She slipped her shoes on and was out the door before she could even get a bite to eat. Alice stepped out the door and straight into Conrad Fisher.

"Mom did you text her? She's never been this late before. Do you think she's alright? I think I might text Susie to see if Alice is okay and see what she's up to. I just can't remember a time that she's been this late, I mean, a half ho-"
"Conrad. She's fine. She probably forgot to set an alarm or slept through it."
"I'm going to go get muffins."

Conrad was not going to go get muffins.

Well, he probably should. It would look awfully suspicious if he went out for muffins and came back with Alice instead. He was just so wildly frustrated that he finally figured out how he was going to ask her out today and now she's late.

Conrad was going to go get muffins, and then he was going to find Alice.

Which is how they ended up here, in an incredibly awkward position, while Mamie is wolf-whistling at them from the kitchen.

the sus-mer i turned fierce ~ conrad fisher x ocحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن