Chapter 5: Disney Songs

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Upgrade You

~Justin's P.O.V.~

"Let's get down to business, to defeat the huns. Did they send me daughters, when I asked for sons?" I sang under my breath as I tapped my pencil on the math packet we were currently working on. I kept thinking about Disney movie's all day for some reason. Those songs were just too catchy.

Someone smack me when I start singing "Let It Go".

"Mister, I'll make a man out of you..." I continued to sing.

"Alright class, ten minutes are up. You may now work with a partner," The math teacher, Mrs. Cheryl informed us. I watched as everyone moved to their friends with smiles and smirks on their faces. The last ten minutes of work we'd just done were probably all the work they were going to do. It was only me and the school nerd, Bartholomew left. He looked around the room and immediately worked in his packet. As expected, no one even looked at me.

I mean, at least Bartholomew got acknowledged. I don't even get that.

I'm. A. Nobody.

"Have you ever heard the wolf cry of a blue-something moon, or ask the grinning-something why he grinned? Have you something the something-something of the mountains. You need to paint with all the colors of the wind..." I sang Colors Of The Wind from Pocahontas, but only remembered few words.

I looked down at the packet and the words looked meaningless and blurred. I pushed it back and sighed, this time singing Singing Night and Gale as got up out of my seat and walked to Mrs. Cherry's desk. "Uh, Miss. Cherry?" I spoke and she peered up at me through her round red glasses.

"Yes...?" She forgot my name. As always.

"It's Kyle," I lied. "And, can I use the bathroom pass?"

She nodded, "Don't take too long." She ordered and I nodded.

I took the blue boys restroom pass and walked out of the classroom. I didn't know why we still had bathroom passes but, as long as I could leave the classroom it was fine.

I spent a full ten minutes walking around the halls, just doing nothing when a voice whisper/shout my name. I turned around and saw... My girl. Well, she wasn't exactly my girl so, Selena. I couldn't help but smile.

1) Because, the girl of my dreams knows my name.

2) Because, someone around this school actually acknowledged my existence.

" 'Sup, Selena," I walked towards her.

"Bieber," She smiled. "What are you doing, wandering around these halls?"

"You just answered your own question."

"Smart ass," she teased. "Why aren't you in class, lame-y-o?"

I simply shrugged.

"Woah, I just love talking to walls." She rolled her eyes, "You wanna come over after school?"





"C-C-Come w-where?" I stammered.

"With me, to my house." She smiled.


Am I dreaming?

"No, you're not." She smiled. Well, my brain's not functioning enough to blush at the fact that I just said that out loud.

"I-I... er... Um... I-I need... pancakes?" I stammered all at once.

"Pancakes?" She raised an eyebrow.

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